Quotes from Into the Darkest Corner

Elizabeth Haynes ·  410 pages

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“This isn't normal. This isn't how normal people think.
Fuck off, world- what the hell is normal anyway?”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“That before-and-after-feel, as though this was going to be the end of one time and the beginning of another.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“But a lot of water has passed under a lot of bridges now, and I don´t know if that is something I could do.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“The strangest thing was that I felt it, I felt everything. Normally I feel nothing but itching, discomfort, tightness, soreness. The surface of my skin is dulled by scars, lots of it is numb -- nerve damage, apparently. When he touched me, I felt everything. It was like having new skin.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“You think you know now, don't you? But you have no idea what it was like.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“I might not have behaved the way I did. I might not have gotten drunk every night, slept around, done drugs, woken up in strange houses wondering where I was and what I’d done the night before.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“As my English teacher used to tell me, if you can´t think of the right thing to say, say nothing at all.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“I raised my wine glass to him and sipped a toast to the future, to what lay ahead.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“I lay back down, fitting myself into the curve of his body, pulling his arms around me, protecting me, keeping me sage.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“As my English teacher used to tell me, if you can’t think of the right thing to say, say nothing at all.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“He would let himself in whenever he felt like it, come and go as he pleased. I remembered when this was such a big deal for me, not so long ago. I’d wanted my own space, my front door that I could lock behind me and know for sure that nobody was going to be inside there without me. I remembered telling him that I wanted that space back. I remembered asking him for the key, and him walking away from me. I remembered him simply walking away and leaving, without so much as an argument.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“  MR LEWIS Mr Brightman, would you have”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“On the Thursday I called an emergency locksmith and had the locks changed on the front door and the back door.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

“Then for some reason I’ve not done it properly one day, and that’s no good at all, because if you’re going to do something that’s for your own benefit, you’ve got to do it properly or there’s no point.”
― Elizabeth Haynes, quote from Into the Darkest Corner

About the author

Elizabeth Haynes
Born place: The United Kingdom
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