Quotes from Indebted

Amy A. Bartol ·  427 pages

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“Hold onto the string, love, until the current shifts and we can be together again.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I miss the outline of your body pressed to mine and the feel of your breath on my neck when you sleep. I miss the sound of your voice. I need you. I have to go soon, but I will be back for you. I promise you. Then, I will show you that there is still beauty in the world -- not a future full of despair. I promise you, I will.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“Dying in your arms sounds like bliss to me.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I have learned something in the length of time that I have been here. This is temporary. Everything changes, whether you will it to or not. What you feel now will eventually fade and you will cease to remember it, until you need the information that you learned from it to survive, then it will be there for you.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“If I had but one wish, it would have been to find someone like you.”

“And if you were a coin, I’d throw you down a well without making a wish.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“The evil you know is better than the evil you don't.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“Reed's blood is now mixed with mine, so that he is always with me, no matter where I am.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“Well, that feels a little bit like stealin’ yer parent’s car keys for a joy ride and ending up crashin’ it, huh?”

“We kind of hijacked the sun, Russell.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“Sometimes we don't know that it's best to run. Hanging on in desperation seems to be our way.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“If you don't want to know, don't ask.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“She’s in my blood. I will never stop fighting for her,”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“Alfred was right about one ting. Ye are very beautiful when ye beg, Genevieve.

Soon, ye will never need ta beg me for anyting. I’ll give ye everything.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I think that is called the ‘Golden Rule,’ Brennus. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’” I say with a crooked smile. Faolan looks at me strangely, asking, “Dat’s a rule? Den whah’s da ‘Silver Rule?’” Before I can answer, Eion chimes in, “Da ‘Silver Rule’ must be whah ye do when the ‘Golden Rule’ does na work. It must be, ‘Kill all da others before dey kill all of yous.’” Lachlan smiles at me and says, “Da ‘Golden Rule’ should really be, ‘Ye will bleed if ye do na do whah I’m telling ye.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I’m learning that “myth” doesn’t mean what I thought it did. It really means, “based on truth” and the truth is terrifying.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“security…” he trails off, picking up my black bikini top that was flung over the lamp. I pluck what’s left of the top out of his hand and hide it behind my back with one hand while the other hand grasps Russell by the bicep. “Thanks, Russ,” I say, trying to lead him back to the door, but Brownie is right, he is really freaking strong and I can’t move him an inch now.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I love you the way creatures like us ought to be loved—secretly and unwillingly, within the dark shadow between my heart and my soul.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

“I feel brittle, like I’m made of glass and all of my cracks are beginning to show.”
― Amy A. Bartol, quote from Indebted

About the author

Amy A. Bartol
Born place: in The United States
Born date November 16, 2018
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