Quotes from Illusions

Aprilynne Pike ·  375 pages

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“As far as her mom was concerned, tea fixed everything. Have a cold? Have some tea. Broken bones? There's a tea for that too. Somewhere in her mother's pantry, Laurel suspected, was a box of tea that said, 'In case of Armageddon, steep three to five minutes'.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“I'm not asking for forever," Tamani said. "Yet. I'm just asking for a moment.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“But love is something that has to be as selfish as it is unselfish. You can't make yourself love someone because you feel like you should. Just wanting to love someone isn't enough.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Tamani has generously agreed to donate his body to my research."

The words were out of Laurel's mouth before she realized how bad they sounded.

"I mean he's helping me.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Oh my gosh, is that an iPhone?!" Laurel asked, her voice unconsciously rising in pitch and volume.
Tamani looked up at her, his expression blank."Yeah?"
"He has an iPhone," Laurel said to David. "My faerie sentry who generally lives without running water has an iPhone. That's. Just. Great. Everyone in the whole world has a cell phone except me. That's awesome.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“I closed my eyes," he repeated after a few shallow breahts, "and imagined she was you.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Aww, come on. I don't bite...hard.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“You could be David's friend too". She glanced at Tamani when he said nothing. He was frowning. "The two of you really have a lot in common, and we're all in this together".
He shook his head. "It wouldn't work".
"Why not? He's a nice guy. And it would do you good to have some human friends", she said hinting at what she suspected was the root of the problem.
"It's not that", Tamani said, gesturing vaguely with one hand.
"Then why?" Laurel asked, exasperated.
"I just don't want to cosy up to the guy whose girl I have every intention of stealing”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

Someday , Tamani told himself. Someday it'll be me.
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Thank you for the exquisite comfort of your kitchen floor.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“So why are you here?"
He lifted his hands and made as if to lay them on her arms, but just before they touched he stopped and let them fall. Then, simply, as though it were all the explanation she could ever need, he said, "Because I love you.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“He'd been back for about two weeks, and everything in Laurel's life had been thrown into Chaos. Sexy, sexy chaos.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Human locks? Please," Tamani said. "May as well leave the door open.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“When in doubt, head under the bed," Tamani said with a grin.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“One way or another, I'll watch her from a distance, silently and wihtout her knowledge, if that's what it takes. And no matter how long you live--I'll be around when you're gone. I get to spend my entire life either with Laurel, or watching over her while she's with someone else. Bliss or torture--there's really no middle ground.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“But with me, you are never just a spring faerie.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“...Sometimes," he said, bringing a figertip to her bottom lip, "A kiss is simply a kiss.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“You were dancing with Yuki and I looked at you. And you turned away and held her closer. Why did you do that? If you didn't want to hurt me, then why?"

He looked away, as though he'd been slapped, but he didn't look guilty. He looked pained. "I closed my eyes," he said, his voice so low and strangled she could hardly hear him.

"What?" she asked, not understanding.

"Tamani held up a hand and Laurel realized he hadn't finished-he was having trouble speaking at all. "I closed my eyes," he repeated after a few shallow breaths, "and imagined she was you."He looked at her, his face open, his eyes honest, his voice a song of anguish.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“I just want to kiss you." He slid his hand up her neck, cupping the side of her face. "Do you want to kiss me?”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“All I'm saying is that you shouldn't stay with him for the wrong reasons, even if they are noble ones. No one owes it to someone else to be their girlfriend. It's a choice you remake every day.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“I would leave everything and join the World Tree tomorrow if she died, " Tamani said.
"I know, " Shar whispered through the darkness.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“No - the light in Tamani's eyes was much more than a reflection. It was the fire that melted her anger and devestated her resolve, every single time she saw it.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“...I'm the last person to tell you that you need a guy to make you happy. But if you're not moving on because you're afraid you'll hurt David, maybe you need to remember that you're hurting Tamani by not moving on, and you might be hurting David by not letting him move on. If--and I'm not saying you should choose him, but if--you really love Tamani, and you keep putting him off because of David, by the time you're finally ready to be with him, you may find that he's moved on. That's all I'm going to say...”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Whether or not there was room in her life for Tamani, Laurel knew that there was precious little room in Tamani's life for anything but Laurel. He lived to protect her, and he'd never failed her. Annoyed her, frustrated her, hurt her, maddened her - but never once failed her.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Is he really in love with you?" Chelsea asked after a long, silent moment.

"Yes," Laurel admitted, looking up at Chelsea but leaving her head against the wheel.

Chelsea raised her eyebrows. "Well. Good luck with that.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“You live your life and continue with all of your normal activities. I'll keep you safe," he said stepping forward to sweep a lock of hair back from her face. "Or die trying.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“All of the heartache, the anger, the fear that this was as good as it was ever going to get, was worth it. Here, he could see her eyes and bask in her smiles-even when she wasn't smiling for him. Every day was worth the pain.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“I wouldn't go that far mate," he said. "I still don't like you.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

“Laurel nodded slowly, then paused. "I love him, Mom."
"I know you do. But there are a lot of different kinds of love.”
― Aprilynne Pike, quote from Illusions

About the author

Aprilynne Pike
Born place: Salt Lake City, Utah, The United States
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