Quotes from Godsgrave

Jay Kristoff ·  421 pages

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“She'd grown up inside books. No matter how dark life became, shutting out the hurt was as easy as opening a cover. A child of murdered parents and a failed rebellion, she'd still walked in the boots of scholars and warriors, queens and conquerors.

The heavens grant us only one life, but through books, we live a thousand.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“If Vengeance has a mother, her name is Patience.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“The choice between looking plain and pretty isn't really a choice at all. But any fool knows looking dangerous is preferable to both.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“Memory is a traitor, and a liar, and a good-for-nothing thief.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“Conquer your fear, and you can conquer the world.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“If you can't see your chains, what use is a key?”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“The heavens grant us only one life, but through books, we live a thousand." - Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“The storm begs no forgiveness of the drowned.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“Problem with being a librarian is there's some lessons you just can't learn from books.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“There's no softer pillow than a clear conscience.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“No matter how dark life became, shutting out the hurt was as easy as opening a cover.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“I'll just dance until the music stops, and see where the steps take me.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“You can keep the glory. I'm just here for the blood.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“That's the power of words; twenty six little letter can paint a whole universe”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“Silver at her throat. Stone at her feet. Iron in her heart.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“...Because the voices in your head that say otherwise are just fear talking. Never listen to fear.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“We have a saying in Vaan," Byern replied.
"In every breath, hope abides."
"Just keep breathing, little Crow.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“We have a saying in Vaan,” Byern replied. “In every breath, hope abides.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“But those who stand for nothing die for the same. And if you stand only for yourself, you fall alone.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“If you can’t see your chains, what use is a key?”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“The heavens grant us only one life, but through books, we live a thousand.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“Looking out over the mezzanine to the endless shelves below, the girl couldn’t help but smile. She’d grown up inside books. No matter how dark life became, shutting out the hurt was as easy as opening a cover. A child of murdered parents and a failed rebellion, she’d still walked in the boots of scholars and warriors, queens and conquerors.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

“fear is the only enemy in your path. Conquer your fear, and you can conquer the world.”
― Jay Kristoff, quote from Godsgrave

About the author

Jay Kristoff
Born place: Australia
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