Quotes from Finding Audrey

Sophie Kinsella ·  286 pages

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“I think what I’ve realized is, life is all about climbing up, slipping down, and picking yourself up again. And it doesn’t matter if you slip down. As long as you’re kind of heading more or less upwards. That’s all you can hope for. More or less upwards.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“We don't have to reveal everything to each other. It's OK to be private. It's OK to say no. It's OK to say, 'I'm not going to share that.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“The trouble is, depression doesn't come with handy symptoms like spots and a temperature, so you don't realize it at first. You keep saying 'I'm fine' to people when you're not fine. You think you should be fine. You keep saying to yourself: 'Why aren't I fine?”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“It won’t be forever. You’ll be in the dark for as long as it takes and then you’ll come out.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“They talk about “body language,” as if we all speak it the same. But everyone has their own dialect. For me right now, for example, swiveling my body right away and staring rigidly at the corner means, “I like you.” Because I didn’t run away and shut myself in the bathroom. I just hope he realizes that.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Most people underestimate eyes. They're infinite. You look someone straight in the eye and your whole soul can be sucked out in a nanosecond. Other people's eyes are limitless and that's what scares me.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“The more you engage with the outside world, the more you’ll be able to turn down the volume on those worries. You’ll see that they’re unfounded. You’ll see that the world is a very busy and varied place and most people have the attention span of a gnat. They’ve already forgotten what happened. They don’t think about it. There will have been five more sensations since your incident.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“But, Audrey, that's what life is. We're all on a jagged graph. I know I am. Up a bit, down a bit. That's life.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“I’ve come to think of my lizard brain as basically a version of Felix. It’s totally random and makes no sense and you can’t let it run your life. If we let Felix run our lives, we’d all wear superhero costumes all day long and eat nothing but ice-cream. But if you try to fight Felix, all you get is wails and screams and tantrums, and it all gets more and more stressy. So the thing is to listen to him with half an ear and nod your head and then ignore him and do what you want to do. Same with the lizard brain.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“(I’ve often noticed that people equate “having a sense of humour” with “being an insensitive moron.”)”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Except that stopping midsentence is the worst thing people can do. It's like, totally passive-aggressive, because you can't take issue with anything they've said. You have to take issue with what you think they were going to say. Which then they deny.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“I've confromted enough assholes in my time. They never realize they're assholes. Not once. Whatever you say.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“I would like a cappuccino," says Linus politely. "Thank you."

"Your name?"

"I'll spell it for you," he says. "Z-W-P-A-E-N--"

"What?" She stares at him, Sharpie in hand.

"Wait, I haven't finished. Double F-hyphen-T-J-U-S. It's an unusual name, Linus adds gravely. "It's Dutch.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“You have no idea what Linus is thinking. It could be good, it could be bad. Most likely, it's nothing at all. He's a boy. You'd better get used to that.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Sometimes I hope I’m building up a stockpile of missing laughs, and when I’ve recovered, they’ll all come exploding out in one gigantic fit that lasts twenty-four hours.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“What’s the point of you? Try this, for starters. And underneath there’s a long list. He’s written a long, long list, that fills the page. I’m so flustered, I can’t even read it properly, but as I scan down I catch beautiful smile and great taste in music (I sneaked a look at your iPod) and awesome Starbucks name. I give a sudden snort of laughter that almost turns to a sob and then turns to a smile, and then suddenly I’m wiping my eyes. I’m all over the place.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“The parents are in charge of all the stuff like technology in the house and time on screens and hours on social media, but then their computer goes wrong and they’re like a baby, going, “What happened to my document?” “I can’t get Facebook.” “How do I load a picture? Double-click what? What does that mean?” And we have to sort it out for them.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Even when you think you have lost yourself, love can still find you.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Other people's eyes are limitless and that's what scares me.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“But I'm sick of this bloody jagged graph. You know, two steps up, one step down. It's so painful. It's so slow. It's like this endless game of snakes and ladders." And Mum just looked at me as if she wanted to laugh or maybe cry, and said, "But Audrey, that's what life is. We're all on a jagged graph. I know I am. Up a bit, down a bit. That's life.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“For God’s sake. In movies, they fix the note to a dog’s collar and it trots off obediently, no nonsense.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Although, as Leonardo da Vinci said: “Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge,”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“You remember that Christmas when they got ill?" Mum says presently. "The year they were about two and three? Remember? And got poo all over their Christmas stockings, and it was everywhere, and we said, "It has to get easier than this"?"
"I remember."
"We were cleaning it all up and we kept saying to each other, "When they get older, it'll get easier." Remember?"
"I do." Dad looks fondly at her.
" Well bring back the poo." Mum begins to laugh, a bit hysterically. "I would do anything for a bit of poo right now."
"I dream of poo," says Dad firmly, and Mum laughs even more, till she's wiping tears from her eyes.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“don’t look back once, the entire time I’m talking to her. But I can feel his eyes on me all the time. Like sunshine.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“I feel like I’ve been on this massive long, lonely journey, and none of my friends could ever understand it, even Natalie. I think I kind of hated them for that.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“And then Jo met Professor Bhaer, so we had to watch that bit. And then Beth died. So I guess the March sisters were on their own jagged graph too.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“Sweetheart, I know you think it'll be a cathartic experience and you'll say your piece and everyone will come away the wiser,' says Dad. 'But in real life that doesn't happen. I've confronted enough assholes in my time. They never realize they're assholes. Not once. Whatever you say.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

“She's not talking to me. She's talking to the Imaginary Daily Mail Judge, who constantly watches her life and gives it marks out of ten.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Finding Audrey

About the author

Sophie Kinsella
Born place: in London, England, The United Kingdom
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