Quotes from Escaping Peril

Tui T. Sutherland ·  336 pages

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“I WON’T get upset!” Cliff shouted. “I want! to SEE! MOMMY KILL GRANDMA!”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Oooh,” Peril said, momentarily distracted by the idea of an enchanted piece of cheese.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Mommy,” Cliff called. “Mommy, I have to tell you something. Mommy! Grandma is kind of mean.” “I know, sweetheart, don’t worry,” Ruby said.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“That’s right,” she said. “DIE, you little monster plants. May your roots always be thirsty and your seeds all meet a fiery death until you’re extinct forever! I HATE you!”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“That’s your secret,” Moon breathed. She had an expression like someone who’d just managed to finally alphabetize a million scrolls exactly right. “An animus.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“But if she had Clay and Turtle as friends, and then Turtle got himself killed by Queen Scarlet or accidentally set on fire, well, then she’d survive OK, because she’d still have Clay. It occurred to her that this was a rather morbid train of thought to be having about a new friend.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Is this what I become without him? I go right back to being a monster? She held out her talons. Wisps of smoke were starting to rise from them again. The firescales aren’t what make me dangerous. Even without them, I was as bad as ever, because I was willing to follow her.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“But —” she said, her voice swallowed by the hot air in the hushed room. “But I burnded it.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Scarlet’s Dancing Monkey of Fiery Doom”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“You’re right,” she said. “All my life I have desperately wanted an ugly necklace.” “Hey,” Chameleon protested, as Queen Scarlet gave a shout of laughter.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Peril couldn’t hold back her curiosity. She swooped closer as the SkyWing looked down at the thing in his talons, then turned, shuddering, to show it to Ruby and the others. Sunny began to scream as though her heart was being ripped out of her chest. Clay reached to catch her before she fell out of the sky. The SkyWing was holding the severed head of Queen Glory of the RainWings.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“I think they should rename the place Unnecessary Violent Overreaction.” In”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Was it our fault?” Qibli asked immediately. “She must be furious about us escaping with Hailstorm.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Ah. That’s infinitely better,” he said. “Nice to finally meet you, Peril. Thank you so much for your help.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Are you planning to throw a scavenger at Mother?” Ruby asked. “Because I’m sure she’d appreciate a snack before she kills you.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Idiotic hopeful former self had hoped for them. Idiotic hopeful former self was very stupid. In”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“On the other side of the queen, Turtle sat up, all his sleepiness gone. He looked much more worried and much less … puddle-like than usual. Queen”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“What kind of sigh was that? Peril wondered. Was it an “I wish I were alone with Peril” sigh? Or a “worried about my students” sigh? Knowing Clay, it could also be a “we’re all out of goats and I really wanted one” sigh.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“All my life I have desperately wanted an ugly necklace.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Excellent,” said Queen Scarlet, flicking her tongue between her teeth. “A thrilling demonstration. Everything I was hoping for. As you say, Queen Burn, so much for that prophecy now, right? Peril, back to your place.” I hope you know how to control your new champion, Mother. Because she’s not just a threat to me. The crowd of dragons surged back, struggling to stay out of Peril’s path, as the dragonet walked slowly back to the little cage of rocks. This dragon could destroy the entire world.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“The SkyWing was holding the severed head of Queen Glory of the RainWings.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“For the guard with the scar over her heart: I’ve been watching you. You’re not like the other guards — the bowing, scraping, mindlessly loyal lizards who live for your queen. You have your own thoughts, don’t you? You’re smarter than the average SandWing. And I think I know your secret. Let’s talk about it. Third cell down, the one with two NightWings in it. I’m the one who doesn’t snore. I HAVE NO INTEREST IN DISCUSSING ANYTHING WITH A NIGHTWING PRISONER. WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO LET YOU HAVE PAPER AND INK? You should be interested. You’re going to need allies for what you’re planning … and when I get out of here, I’m going to be a very useful ally indeed. AMUSING ASSUMPTIONS. MY QUEEN BELIEVES YOU’RE GOING TO BE IN HERE FOR A LONG, LONG TIME. True … but she also believes she’s going to be queen for a long, long time … doesn’t she. An interesting silence after my last note. Perhaps it would reassure you to know I set your notes on fire as soon as I’ve read them. You can tell me anything, my new, venomous-tailed friend. Believe me, Night-Wings are exceptionally skilled at keeping secrets. WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU, OTHER THAN WHAT IT SAYS IN YOUR PRISONER FILE. FIERCETEETH: TRAITOR. KIDNAPPER. RINGLEADER OF ASSASSINATION PLOT. TO BE HELD INDEFINITELY WITH FELLOW TRAITOR STRONGWINGS, ON BEHALF OF THE NIGHTWING QUEEN. OH, YES, CERTAINLY SOUNDS LIKE A DRAGON ANYONE CAN TRUST. She’s not my queen. You can’t be a traitor to someone who shouldn’t be ruling over you in the first place. Which might be a thought you’ve had lately yourself, isn’t it? I know some things about you, even without a file. Saguaro: Prison guard. Schemer. Connected to great secret plans. We’re not so different, you and I. Particularly when it comes to trustworthiness. Just think, if my alleged “assassination plot” had worked, the NightWings would have a different queen right now. Perhaps it would even be me. Well, if at first you don’t succeed … I could tell you my story, if you get me more paper to write on. Or you could stop by one midnight and listen to it instead. But I’ve noticed you don’t like spending too much time in the dungeon. Is it the tip-tap of little scorpion claws scrabbling everywhere? The stench rising from the holes in the floor? The gibbering mad SandWing a few cages down who never shuts up, all night long? (What is her story? Has she really been here since the rule of Queen Oasis?) Or is it that you can too easily picture yourself behind these bars … and you know how close you are to joining us? ALL RIGHT, NIGHTWING, HERE’S A BLANK SCROLL. GO AHEAD AND TRY TO CONVINCE ME THAT YOU’RE A DRAGON WHO EVEN DESERVES TO LIVE, LET ALONE ONE I SHOULD WASTE MY TIME ON. I DO ENJOY BEING AMUSED.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“That's right!" she said. "Die, you little monster plants. May your roots always be thirsty, and your seeds meet a fiery death until you're extinct forever! I HATE you."

"Yowch." Turtle said. "You don't ever have mild feelings, do you?”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“I don't have an evil plan!" said Peril, panicking. "All my evil is spur of the moment! Turtle, tell them how bad I am at planning.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Summary: Peril is possibly the most dangerous dragon in Pyrrhia, because she has firescales that can kill an opponent with a touch, but now she has a mission — find her former queen, Scarlet, who is threatening the Jade Mountain Academy, and then stop her, and she is not sure if the persistent SeaWing, Turtle, who is accompanying her will be a help or a hindrance. ISBN”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“No dragon was safe in the Sky Palace, but the ones in the most danger by far were the daughters of Queen Scarlet. Or was it now daughter, singular? Ruby hadn’t seen her sister, Tourmaline, in three days. Not since the night they went flying together and, high in the starlit sky, glowing in the light of two of the moons, Tourmaline had whispered that she was almost ready. “Don’t be an idiot. You’re only ten, and furthermore, you’ll never be ready,” Ruby had whispered back. “She killed her mother plus all three of her sisters and eleven of ours. There’s no way to defeat her.” “She can’t be queen forever,” Tourmaline said. “She has been queen forever,” Ruby argued. “Twenty-four years is a long time but not that long,” said Tourmaline. “Queen Oasis was queen longer than that, and look what happened to her.” “Are you planning to throw a scavenger at Mother?” Ruby asked. “Because I’m sure she’d appreciate a snack before she kills you.” “It’s always going to be like this,” Tourmaline hissed. She flicked clouds away with her dark orange wings. “Until one of us challenges her and wins. You and I are the only ones left now — the only hope the SkyWings have of a decent queen. Ruby, if I defeat her and become queen, we can get out of this war.” Ruby wasn’t so sure about that. She’d met Burn, and she suspected the SandWing wouldn’t let her allies go that easily. But it didn’t matter — there was no way Tourmaline could win a battle with their mother. “The prophecy will take care of the war,” she argued. “The brightest night is in four days … ” “Right.” Tourmaline rolled her eyes. “I’ll just wait for a bunch of eggs that haven’t even hatched yet to save us. Ruby, I don’t want to wait for things to happen to me. I want to make them happen.” “I don’t want to watch you die,” Ruby growled. Her sister hovered in front of her for a moment. Stars glittered in her eyes, searching Ruby’s. She’s wondering if I want the throne for myself, Ruby thought. She thinks I’m trying to talk her out of it because I’m planning something. Like I’m that stupid. “Well, don’t worry, I won’t do it yet,” Tourmaline promised. “Another few months of training, maybe. I’m feeling really strong, though. I beat Vermilion in a fight the other day. Want to hear about it?” Ruby”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“What’s a nimposser?” asked another voice.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

“Remove firescales, add Queen Scarlet loyalty, subtract all memories of Clay.”
― Tui T. Sutherland, quote from Escaping Peril

About the author

Tui T. Sutherland
Born place: in Caracas, Venezuela
Born date July 31, 1978
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