Quotes from Gone, Gone, Gone

Hannah Moskowitz ·  251 pages

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“I don't want to die, but I wish waking up every morning didn't feel like such a fuck-you every single time.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“Just wanted to let you know I got in all right. And also that my chest hurts as if I MAY BE DYING, because I accidentally left my heart on your kitchen counter. I hate when that happens.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“I hate when people do this. I hate when people hide their cards to feel secret and strong. That's no way of dealing with anything.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“What’s love when you’re too fucked up to feel it right?
I think it’s a weapon.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“I am tough for a reason and it is to fucking destroy the music. I dance hard.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“I'm happy for the kid and everything, but how the fuck does Lio get a friend before me? I live here.
'I told you I could do it :)' Lio IMs me. I want to rip out that smiley's eyes.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“Sometimes I hate the things I am allowed to do.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“Craig,” he says, in that tone that’s like, I’m one step away from middle-naming you.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“His tragic flaw is that he is a walking tragedy, and his smile makes me feel alive.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“It is so much more beautiful than any polar bears in Alaska. Becaues I am here and he is mine and forever is as long as we want it to be.

The rest, as they say, is history.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“Am I four years old? All I do is cry and say things are stupid.

I'm stupid.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“A few innocent people!" my father says. "A few people were shot for absolutely no reason except for where they happened to be."

But... but, no, I'm calling bullshit, because entire lives are determined by where we happen to be. It's the only reason we care about the cities we care about. God, it's the only reason we fall in love. It's where you happen to be.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“I think once you start going to therapy three times a week, you've made some sort of terrible transition. I think that's the difference between "a little fucked up," in a concerned endearing tone and "fucked up" with raised eyebrows and a slow head nod.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“It is so much more beautiful than any polar bears in Alaska. Because I am here and he is mine and forever is as long as we want it to be.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

“Be confident because the odds are in your favor.' He clears his throat, like talking this much hurts him. 'Not because you're a special snowflake.”
― Hannah Moskowitz, quote from Gone, Gone, Gone

About the author

Hannah Moskowitz
Born place: in Silver Spring, MD, The United States
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