Quotes from Dare You To

Katie McGarry ·  456 pages

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“You're a lot like that bird in the barn. You're so scared that you're going to be caged in forever you can't see the way out. You smack yourself against the wall again and again and again. The door is open, Beth. Stop running in circles and walk out.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“I like you. I. Like. You. I'll admit you're annoying. Sometimes you agitate me to the brink of insanity, but you can throw it back at me like no one else. When you laugh, I want to laugh. When you smile, I want to smile. Hell, I want to be the one to make you smile.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“That must be love: when everything else in the world could implode and you wouldn't care as long as you had that one person standing beside you.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“I hold the bottle out into the rain and watch as the steady flow slowly fills it. When there is enough, enough that Beth can clearly see, I close the bottle and hand it to her.

She raises a skeptical eyebrow, but accepts the bottle.

"It's our rain Beth."

Her head barely shakes to show her confusion while I rub the back of my neck and search for my courage. "I told you I loved you in this rain and when you doubt my words, I want you to look at this bottle.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“How many more of us are faking the facade? How many more of us are pretending to be something we're not? Even better, how many of us will have the courage to be ourselves regardless of what others think?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Silence. I hate silence. Silence means thinking and thinking means judgement.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Emotions is evil. People who make me feel are worse. I take comfort in the stone inside of me. If I don't feel, I don't hurt.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“My fingers lightly trace her arm and I swear she presses closer to me. I'd love to kiss her right now. Not the type of kiss that makes her body come alive. The type of kiss that shows her how much I care - the type that involves my soul.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“This overwhelming, encompassing feeling is love. It's not perfect and it's messy as hell. And it's exactly what I need.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“You're falling for me like I'm falling for you. That's why you're pushing me so hard.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Screw what Mom and Dad think. Screw the rest of the town. Screw perfection. This girl is mine.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Jocks usually aren't smart. Their muscles feast on their brains.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Here's the thing- I love you and I love her, but I swear to God I'll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“I won't let you go." I blink. As if he could stop me. "You won't let me go." "No, I won't let you go. You're mine and I don't lose.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Beth feels likes this storm. Constant and persistent as a whole, but the more I get close and try to clutch the individual drops of rain, the more the water falls out of my hands.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“This isn't me giving him a memory. This is me giving him my heart.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“I've fallen in love with him. I've done it. I've given him power over me.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“I need you."

"I'm here."
And we sit in silence.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Baseball isn't just a game. It's the smell of popcorn drifting in the air, the sight of bugs buzzing near the stadium lights,the roughness of the dirt beneath your cleats. It's the anticipation building in your chest as the anthem plays, the adrenaline rush when your bat cracks against the ball, and the surge of blood when the umpire shouts strike after you pitch. It's a team full of guys backing your every move, a bleacher full of people cheering you on. It's...life”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Quiet anger frightens me. The drunks, the idiots, the ones that rage easily - them I can handle. I know when to step out of their way. It's the ones that hold the anger in, the men that think about what they do and how they do it, that scare me. They're the ones that cause damage.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Some guys touch the girls they love. Others touch the girls they use. The worst touch girls they hurt.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Are you wowed?" Her pause is debilitating.

"Yes," she says a little breathlessly. "I'm wowed.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Yes. Don't play me, Beth." Because I'm falling for you, more than I should, and if you betray me again, it will hurt like hell.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Nothing makes you think you might need years of therapy like saying the word breasts in front of your mother.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“There are times when you stand on the cusp of moments so huge, you know you'll remember them forever. This is that moment for me and for Ryan.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“When Beth struggles for words it means she's on the verge of saying something worth hearing. Her emotions confuse her. Maybe tonight, she'll finally find the courage to say the words I'm longing to hear.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Fine," I say. "Dare accepted."

Game on, Skater Girl. Game on.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“Ryan has this blank, way too innocent expression. "Don't worry, Mr. Risk. I'd love to help Elisabeth."

He turns to me and smiles. This smile isn't genuine or heartwarming, but cocky as hell.

Bring it, jock boy. Your best won't be good enough.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

“A sliver of hope sneaks past my walls and I slam every opening shut. Emotion is evil. People who make me feel are worse. I take comfort in the stone inside me. If I don't feel, I don't hurt.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Dare You To

About the author

Katie McGarry
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