Quotes from Cymbeline

William Shakespeare ·  324 pages

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“Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

Fear no more the frown o' the great;
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.

Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finished joy and moan;
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.

No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renownéd be thy grave!”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Hang there like a fruit, my soul, Till the tree die!

-Posthumus Leonatus
Act V, Scene V”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Kneel not to me.
The pow'r that I have on you is to spare you;
The malice towards you to forgive you. Live,
And deal with others better.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Golden lads and girls all must as chimney sweepers come to dust.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Hang there like fruit, my soul,
Till the tree die.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“The pow'r I have on you is to spare you / The malice towards you, to forgive you.
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“I am glad I was up so late, for that's the reason I was up so early.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“The sweat of industry would dry and die, But for the end it works to.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“our cage
We make a quire, as doth the prison'd bird,
And sing our bondage freely.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“...though those that are betray'd
Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor
Stands in worse case of woe.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“You may wear her in title yours: but, you know, strange fowl light upon neighbouring ponds.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“Now, master doctor, have you brought those drugs?”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“thither write, my queen,
And with mine eyes I'll drink the words you send
Though ink be made of gall.”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“What pleasure, sir, find we in life to lock it / From action and adventure?”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

“not Hercules148 Could have knocked out his brains, for he had none:”
― William Shakespeare, quote from Cymbeline

About the author

William Shakespeare
Born place: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, The United Kingdom
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