Quotes from The Son of Sobek

Rick Riordan ·  40 pages

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“After all the dangerous adventures I'd had, I couldn't die like this. Sadie would be devastated. Then, once she got over her grief, she'd track down my soul in the Egyptian afterlife and tease me mercilessly for how stupid I'd been.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Getting eaten by a giant crocodile was bad enough.
The kid with the glowing sword only made my day worse.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“What the creeping crud is that?" [Percy] demanded. "You’re inside a giant glowing chicken-man!"
"Hawk!" I yelled.
I decided that if I survived this day I would have to make sure this guy never met Sadie. They’d probably take turns insulting me for the rest of eternity.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“I'm Carter Kane-part-time high school freshman, part-time magician, full-time worrier about all the Egyptian gods and monsters who are constantly trying to kill me.

Okay, that last part is an exaggeration. Not all the gods want me dead. Just a lot of them.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

Could be worse, I told myself. I could be studying cheese demons.
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Armed with my sword and wand, I was all set for a stroll through the swamp to look for a hungry monster. Oh, joy!”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Normally my sister, Sadie, or some of our other initiates from Brooklyn House would've come with me. But they were all at the First Nome, in Egypt, for a weeklong training session on controlling cheese demons(yes, they're a real thing; believe me, you don't want to know)”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Freak is easily spooked. Flesh-eating monsters tend to scare him away. So do fireworks, clowns, and the smell of Sadie's weird British Ribena drink. (Can't blame him on that last one. Sadie grew up in London and developed some pretty strange tastes.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“The next microsecond, as the water erupted around me, I realized too late that I should've brought the entire Twenty-first Nome to help me.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“I opened my backpack and checked my supplies: some enchanted rope, my curved ivory wand, a lump of wax for making a magical shabti figurine, my calligraphy set, and a healing potion my friend Jaz had brewed for me a while back. (She knew that I got hurt a lot.)”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Percy grunted. “You sound like Annabeth.” “Who?” “Nothing.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Cheeseburgers,’ Percy said. ‘Food of the gods.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Deal. Now, could you please untie my sword hand from my head? I feel like a freaking unicorn.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“Look, man, I don’t know who you are, but that crocodile has been terrorizing Long Island for weeks. I take that kind of personal, as this is my home turf. A few days ago, it ate one of our pegasi.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“they were all at the First Nome, in Egypt, for a weeklong training session on controlling cheese demons (yes, they’re a real thing; believe me, you don’t want to know), so I was on my”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“they were all at the First Nome, in Egypt, for a weeklong training session on controlling cheese demons (yes, they’re a real thing; believe me, you don’t want to know),”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“would have to make sure this guy never met Sadie. They’d probably take turns insulting me for the rest of eternity. “A little help here?”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“What the creeping crud is that?” he demanded. “You’re inside a giant glowing chicken-man!”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

“they saw the crocodile for what it was. Maybe their mortal brains made them think it was an escaped elephant from the zoo, or a crazed FedEx delivery driver with a death wish.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Son of Sobek

About the author

Rick Riordan
Born place: in San Antonio, Texas, The United States
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