Quotes from Addicted to You

Krista Ritchie ·  324 pages

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“Wait for me.” The words come out choked and pained. “I need you to wait for me.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“No one told me you can love someone and still be miserable. How is that possible?”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Le me try to be enough for you.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Promises from Lo are like bars at 2 a.m.--empty.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Cheekbones that cut like ice and eyes like liquid scotch. Loren Hale is an alcoholic beverage and he doesn't even know it.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I love you, but I want to love you enough that I never choose alcohol over you. Not even for a moment. I want to be someone you deserve.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I know what you want, and you don't need to take it. I can give it to you.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I want to live here. In his arms. Where I know it's safe.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“She waltzes into the apartment, her Chanel handbag swinging on her arm like a weapon. Rose frightens children, pets, and even grown males with her icy eyes and chilling glares.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“You're a permanent fixture in my life. You're not going anywhere.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I’m dirty,” I refute, hot tears brimming. “You don’t want me.” His face twists in pain. “I don’t think that. Neither should you.” His lips graze my neck and then find my ear. “Lil, I want you to ask me. I need you to.” He presses his forehead to my temple, gently edging me closer to the mattress, his hands tight on my hips. I continue to struggle for breath. I know what he wants now. He wants this to be real. So do I. “Help me,” I say, breathlessly.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“He's my drug that I gladly consume.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Just repeat this phrase whenever you feel the urge to jump some other guy’s bones.”
His mouth brushes my ear. “Loren Hale fucks better.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“The fear of losing each other is always stronger than the pain we cause.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I sincerely think that Connor is asexual. Like a sponge. He probably wouldn't even notice if you hit on him.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“No means no. I don’t care when you say it, Lily. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. Any halfway decent guy would have backed off.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I hate that I had to pull out my wallet and buy respect.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Three years later and drowning in lies, we’re suddenly prepared to lose everything for the chance at something real.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I glance back at Connor and Rose and realize they’ve been pretty much silent. They just stare at each other for a really, really long time, as though talking through their eyes. “Is this what smart people do?” I whisper to Lo. “They must have some superhuman telepathic power that we don’t have.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I wait for him to say the words, I'm done pretending.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Obviously he wants Nola to think he's an upstanding boyfriend, but the only girlfriend Loren Hale will ever treat well is his bottle of bourbon.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“He couldn't want someone like me.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Being called weird by Connor is like a unicorn calling a horse magical.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I needed him to fulfill a desire, one that does nothing but torment me. And he’s reminding me of everything I hate about myself.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Can we only be invited inside if you understand our costumes?” Connor asks. He cranes his neck to look past the host’s shoulder. “Because I think I spot a Sweeny Todd in there, and I know for a fact you’ve never heard of him.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“I try to imagine what type of girl Connor would seek, but she seems unfathomable--like a hazy picture with only her brain showing.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“Where will I be? What will I be? White empty space fills the void, unsure of what picture to paint.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

“We’re terrible at so many things—remembering important dates, college, making friends—but the one thing we’ve always been halfway decent at is being together.”
― Krista Ritchie, quote from Addicted to You

About the author

Krista Ritchie
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