Quotes from Worth the Fight

Vi Keeland ·  378 pages

Rating: (21.6K votes)

“I feel like I'm stuck in a bad movie, with a little devil sitting on one shoulder and an angel on the other. But the goddamn devil is twice the size and my angel is a fucking mute. Great, I have a fucking mute angel.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“Glad I coated you with my sweat now. It'll keep the other lions away.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“I quickly scoop up the rest of my personal life on display on the sidewalk and I'm relieved that I had removed the flavored condoms that Regina had shoved into my purse before I left yesterday. Bacon Flavor. What woman wants to taste meat while, you know, tasting meat?”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“You're smart and confident and the people around you seem to love you." He stops and watches me, I can tell he is deciding to continue. "And when I look into your eyes I see a little light flicker..."

He pauses for a second. I look at him, but still don't speak.

"And for the last twenty four hours all I could think about was what it would take to turn that flicker into a flame.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“When we met, we were two injured souls. But keeping the real out of our lives for fear of what we might find. But nothing could have kept us apart. I never believed in destiny. Thought that was a bunch of crap for people who read too many books. Until you.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“You're here."

I look up at him. "I am." My voice is soft, but I can tell by the smirk on his face that he hears me just fine.

"Does that mean not really is a no then?" His face is serious now.

"Ask me again." I grin up at the handsome face that is towering over me, invading my personal space.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"No." My response is assertive.

"Yes. You are."

I'm confused. "I am?"

"I don't share Elle."

"Oh." Oh my.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“When we met, we were two injured souls. Both keeping the real out of our lives for fear of what we might find. But nothing could have kept us apart. I never believed in destiny. Thought that was a bunch of crap for people who read too many books. Until I met you. You’re it for me, Babe. I didn’t even know I was missing something until I found you, but now I don’t know how I got through a day without what you’ve given me. You’re my soul mate. As sappy as it sounds, it’s god damn true. Nothing has ever been truer in my life. So no, I’m not worried about this fight not helping me heal from my past, because it’s you who does that for me. You’ve filled all the cracks in my heart and made me better. I never thought I’d say this after what I went through, but I’m the luckiest bastard on this earth.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“Ride me. You're so tight and wet. I'm going to fill up that pretty little pussy and make it mine. In you. So that the whole god damn world knows you're mine.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“Perfect is highly overrated. I'm a character in my story, going through the chapters of my life as if it was written by an imaginary person, when I should be the author. - Elle”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“Elle: "You really think there's no forgiveness in what happened?"
Nico: "Forgiveness from who, Elle?”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“The way that Nico looks at me makes me high. It’s like a drug I crave desperately to have again. His pleasure is my reward, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn it.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“There's serenity in the stillness of the water and my body absorbs it through my pours, desperate to find its peace.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“An hour later I'm on my way back to the office, with Nico's scent on my clothes and inside of me. I have a sneaking suspicion that Nico wanted it that way, knowing that I was seeing William.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“No one’s ever looked at me the way he looks at me.  I feel a silent rumble in my gut and I know something’s just changed in me forever.  I’ll never be able to go back to comfortable and nice after feeling whatever it is burning between us.  It scares the hell out of me and draws me in at the same time.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“I can't stall any longer. I think of what my therapist would tell me to do if she was sitting right next to me, watching me act like a coward. She'd say rip the Band-Aid off. Allow the wound to breathe..to heal itself. The worst part is in the anticipation of the tear, not the tear itself.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“Nico: By the time I drove back home last night, I’d gotten myself under control. I’d reasoned with my hard-on until it finally saw my way. Who knew you could reason with a fucking hard-on. I guess I never tried. I just took care of it, did what it wanted me to.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“The moment comes back to haunt you when you least expect it. Just when you think you've finally found a way to bury it somewhere deep inside yourself, it rears its ugly head and then you're back to square one. Back to relive the pain. The regret. THe guilt. And the healing has to start all over again.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“I feel like I’m stuck in a bad movie, with a little devil sitting on one shoulder and an angel on the other.  But the goddamn devil is twice the size and my angel is a fucking mute.  Great, I have a fucking mute angel.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“You’re killing me, Elle. I feel like I’m fourteen with you. I’m walking around with a hard-on half the time from just thinking about you. I’m never going to be able to sleep tonight now.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

“That’s good.  Because you’re going to be my assistant.”  He grins like a Cheshire cat. 
I raise my eyebrows in surprise.  “I am?”
“Yep, I’m going to put my hands all over that body of yours in the front of the room and you’re going to kick my ass.”
― Vi Keeland, quote from Worth the Fight

About the author

Vi Keeland
Born place: in New York, New York, The United States
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