Quotes from Wicked

Jennifer L. Armentrout ·  376 pages

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“Grabbing a scarf off the chair, I threw it at him.

He caught it, clutching it to his chest as he flew into the air. "You gave Tink a scarf. Tink is free!" He flew out into the hallway like a little cracked-out fairy, screeching, "Tink is freeeeee!"

Ren looked at me. "What the actual f**k?"
I sighed. "He's obsessed with Harry Potter. I'm sorry."

Tink darted back into the room, holding the scarf to his bare chest. "There is no reason to apologize when it comes to Harry Potter."
"You do remember what happened to Dobby, right?" I said.

"S**t." Tink's eyes widened and he dropped the scarf.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Tink?" "No." He grinned. "You have Amazon Prime.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“When in doubt, get the fuck out.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“If you tell me to leave, I'll turn and walk away. I swear that, Ivy, but I had to try one more time. I'm not going to possibly go to my grave without trying. Please. Don't let me go.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Why couldn't he say I reminded him of Ariel or something? Then again, Ariel was kind of stupid, giving up her voice for a dude.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Why in the world was I going to college? I could be in bed, all cuddled up and shit, dreaming about hot men with abs covered in powdered sugar.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Tink appeared in the open door again, his wings rapidly moving, and in his hands he held a... slingshot? Oh sweet baby Jesus take the wheel. Where did he get a slingshot? Off of Amazon? That didn't matter. The brownie had taken the time to paint his face. One half was red, the other blue. He looked like he wandered off the set of Braveheart. I mouthed the word no at him.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You gave Tink a scarf. Tink is free!" He flew out into the hallway like a little cracked-out fairy, screeching, "Tink is freeeeee!”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I'm a lot of things, but today I'm your fucking saving grace.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I didn't need your permission," I spat back. Ren smirked. "Honey, I know what you need and you're going to get it.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“The fae went down, and before he could retaliate, I went all Van Helsing on his ass.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“If I wore any color other than black, tan, or gray, I looked like an asylum escapee.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“you did wrong in all the right ways.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You were not acting. You were not pretending." The teasing dropped from his tone as his voice hardened. "You were riding my hand, and Ivy, there isn't a damn thing wrong with that. What's wrong is that you're acting like nothing happened between us. That's total shit. You lit up for me like a damn firework and I barely touched you.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You should've warned me," Tink muttered crossly. "I'm the one who had to see his dong swinging around--”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I bet you have the softest pair of lips out there. And I bet you taste sweet—sweeter than one of those beignets you've got me addicted to." His hand squeezed around the back of my neck. "But you got one hell of a bite—a kick to that sweetness. It'll be rough getting in there, and you're going to fight it every step of the way, but it'll be smooth once I'm there.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Since you asked nicely, I won't do it again, but you can call me whatever you want."
"Are you hitting on me?" Shocked, I shook my head. "Are you for real?"
"My momma probably thinks I'm real. (...) You're also sitting on me, and sweetness, if you slide about an inch or so down, things are going to get real awkward."
Holy shit.. "Or fun,”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I'll admit that you felt fucking sweet as silk against my fingers when I had my hand between those pretty thighs.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I want to know your story. I want to know you. I want—oh, fuck it." Ren cupped my cheek, his hand gentle as he tilted my head back, and before my heart could take another beat, he kissed me.  It was no slow or seductive kiss. He claimed my lips as if he were laying claim to my body, to my soul, and every part of me. His mouth was demanding as he tilted his head, his lips moving over mine, his tongue tracing the seam of my lips, willing them to part, and I . . . I opened for him. My lips parted, and he made this sound, this deep animalistic groan that sent flames lapping over my skin. The kiss deepened, and his tongue slid over mine, along the roof of my mouth. He took me with his mouth, tasted me and claimed me.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You're going to have to get to know me better before you taste my cake."
"Was that an invitation? Because I'm willing to get to know you in any way possible if that means I get to taste your cake.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Tell me yes," he ordered huskily. "Tell me yes and I'll do whatever you want. Anything you want. Just let me do this.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“And why do you've have to be so grabby? Jesus."
"I like the way you feel against me," he said.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Do you have a girlfriend?" Holy shit balls on Sunday, I did not just ask that. Ren looked over his shoulder at me, one eyebrow arched. I did ask that. Those words really did come out of my mouth and I wanted to maim myself, but I waited to hear his answer. Ren's grin was like dark chocolate, smooth and rich. "Not yet.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“You got shot? Where? How? By who?" He zipped up in the air, darting left to right, right to left. "Did you cry? I would've cried. A lot. Like a river of motherfucking tears.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Um. Wow. I think I just got pregnant watching that," Val said, breathless. ”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“as I walked beside Ren, I couldn't help but notice he got a lot of attention. Women of all ages checked him out. So did a lot of men. He had that angelic face but was rocking a grin that had bad written all over it. I was beginning to hate that grin, because . . . well, because of reasons.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“He claimed my lips as if he were laying claim to my body, to my soul, and every part of me.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“When in doubt, get the fuck out.

I turned and ran.

That's what we were taught when we were going down shit creek, nearing shitville, population unlucky you, without a shitty paddle. A good warrior knew when to retreat, and this was totally one of those moments.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“Oh God, I was head over heels, drowning underwater, in love with Ren- with Renald Owens. I was in love with a dude whose real name was Renald.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

“I started to fire back, but Tink suddenly appeared in the open doorway, and what the? He had one of those skillets just large enough to cook an egg in, and he was holding it over his head like a battle-axe. I was kind of surprised that he could carry the pan, but Tink was buff for a little guy. He had a six-pack—a brownie six-pack. His face was contorted in a silent battle cry as he started into the room.

Wide-eyed, I shook my head. As much as I appreciated the effort, his interference would not end well. That small as hell frying panwas not going to do any damage. Thankfully, Tink froze and lowered the pan. A second passed then he zoomed out of the doorway.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Wicked

About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout
Born place: Martinsburg, The United States
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