Quotes from Visions of Heat

Nalini Singh ·  332 pages

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“How do you know it'll be pleasurable?" He got on the bed and lay down.

Breath a whisper, she came closer and tied one wrist to the headboard. The cat growled but didn't try to make him wrench free.

"Because just looking at you gives me the most extreme pleasure I've ever felt."

"Christ, baby, tie me up before you start talking like that.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Human women have been slapping men for being bastards for centuries. You were doing what comes naturally.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“I tell you I'm dangerous and you want to put knives near me?"
- Vaughn to Faith”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Sleep Red, I've got you." - Vaughn to Faith”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Yes.” She smiled, liking the word. “What I feel like right now—I’d compare it to waking from a dream and seeing the real world. It’s a beautiful place, but it also has darkness. If you try to eradicate that darkness, you also destroy the light.” Pain for the future of her people tightened her heart.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Soy un gato. Las cosas suaves y sedosas me hacen ronronear.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Eres mío para jugar contigo a mi antojo”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Even then, Faith. Even then. If you call for me, I'll come.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Maybe you should release me now and change back to your jaguar form."
"You're naked."
"They'll have brought me clothes. If not, who cares?"
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Solo mirarte me proporciona el placer más intenso que jamás haya sentido.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“Vaughn, she realized, would never let her shortchange herself. He’d always demand that she be all the woman she could be, even if that woman promised to make life more difficult for him.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“even if he had to coax her kiss by slow kiss. Cats were good at coaxing. It was only a more sensual aspect of their favorite game—stalking.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“A veces la ira puede ser algo bueno. Hace que sigas adelante cuando no queda nada más.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“The logical connection was irrefutable. Her vision channels were being forced to encompass more than the narrow field of commerce, thereby becoming wider. The subject matter or palatability of the new visions was irrelevant. That they”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“I could be wrong, but red hair is common in one particular family in this area of the Psy. The NightStar line has an unusually high incidence of the recessive gene." Sascha sounded utterly Psy at that moment. That was to be expected. She hadn't been cat for much more than a few months. It would take time.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“The Protocol. Silence. A choice made generations ago to wipe out violence, but that had also succeeded in wiping out joy, laughter, and love. It had made the Psy an emotionless, robotic race that excelled in business and technology but produced no forms of art, no great music, no works of literature.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“The brain was the single thing that remained sacred among the Psy. To rewire that would equal the erasure of the individual, making the PsyNet a true hive mind.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

“It’s like she’s encased in a shell, more so than other Psy. Everything’s”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Visions of Heat

About the author

Nalini Singh
Born place: in Fiji
See more on GoodReads

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