Quotes from Trust Me

Lesley Pearse ·  709 pages

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“You can't do anything about the past, it's done and can't be mended. But the future is different, if you just think what you really want and reach out and take it.”
― Lesley Pearse, quote from Trust Me

“Now, tomorrow you got to put on a happy face, not for me, nor May, or anyone else, just for yourself. 'Cause that's a magic trick I learned a long time ago, if you look like you're happy, you soon get to be.”
― Lesley Pearse, quote from Trust Me

“I was too stubborn to really take on what she was saying. But we're all guilty sometimes of only listening to what we want to hear.”
― Lesley Pearse, quote from Trust Me

“So how do you know when the boy's perfect for you?' Dulcie asked
Betty gave her a tender look. 'You'll just know. That sounds vague, I know, but it's true.”
― Lesley Pearse, quote from Trust Me

“Mas aprendi que estas coisas nos são mandadas para nos pôr à prova e, com cada acontecimento triste e terrível, tornamo-nos um pouco mais fortes.”
― Lesley Pearse, quote from Trust Me

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Lesley Pearse
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