Quotes from Thousand Words

Jennifer Brown ·  284 pages

Rating: (5.3K votes)

“People talked. Let them talk. Nothing I could do to stop them. They knew the thousand words, but they didn't know the rest of the story.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Thousand Words

“you can get past a mistake, but it's much harder to get past being a cruel person.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Thousand Words

“A picture's worth a thousands words but they don't tell the whole story.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Thousand Words

“At one time it really felt like forever might happen for us.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Thousand Words

“That you love him so much the idea of losing him hurts just as immediately and fully as if you'd already lost him?”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Thousand Words

About the author

Jennifer Brown
Born date January 1, 1972
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