Quotes from The Dead Zone

Stephen King ·  402 pages

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“Some things were better lost than found.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“We all do what we can, and it has to be good enough, and if it isn't good enough, it has to do.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Ninety-five percent of people who walk the earth are simply inert. One percent are saints, and one percent are assholes. The other three percent are people who do what they say they can do.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Because things like this you can only ssay once. And you either get it wrong or right, it's the end either way, because it's too hard to ever try to say again.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“She suddenly realized she was sitting in an apartment by herself late at night, eating an apple and watching a movie on TV that she cared nothing about, and doing it all because it was easier than thinking, thinking was so boring really, when all you had to think about was yourself and your lost love.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Nothing is ever lost, Sarah. Nothing that can't be found.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“I’m a man of the world, and all that means is I understand what powers the world. The fuel mix is one part high-octane to nine parts pure bullshit.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“I'm going out for a bottle of champagne. We're going to get bombed.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“What would his father do then? Go on, Johnny supposed. People had a way of doing that, just going on, pushing through with no particular drama, no big drumrolls.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“You ought to sue that son of a whore”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“The crowd had the plump, righteous, slightly constipated look that seems the exclusive province of businessmen who belong to the GOP.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Земята се върти, това е всичко. Можеш да се въртиш заедно с нея или пък да спреш, за да протестираш, в резултат на което да бъдеш изхвърлен от движението й.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“...95% of the people who walk the earth are inert, Johnny. 1% are saints, and 1% are assholes. The other 3% do what they say they can do.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“El dinero compra muchas cosas, pero no puede parar el rayo.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Did I grow a third eye?”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“A charming eccentric, a piece of blank paper on which the electorate could write its message: You other guys are so wasted that we decided to elect this fool for two years instead.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“„»Scher dich zum Teufel«, sagte sie fröhlich. »Niemand lebt ewig.«
»Aber alle versuchen es, ist dir das auch schon aufgefallen?«”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“The first slow, scalding tears began to come. “Oh Johnny,” she said. “Everything was supposed to be different, wasn’t it? It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”
She lowered her head, her throat working painfully - and to no effect. The sobs came anyway, and the bright sunlight broke into prisms of light. The wind, which had seemed so warm and Indian summery, now seemed as chill as February on her wet cheeks.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Sie schwebt ständig in Wolken des Unverständnisses durch meinen Grammatik-Grundkurs.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Kommen Sie mir nicht noch einmal zu nahe mit Ihrem Schlachtermesser. Wenn das Ihre Vorstellung von Hilfe ist, dann will ich nichts damit zu tun haben.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Gott ist ein echter Sportsgeist. Er ist so ein Sportsgeist, dass er eine Welt wie aus einer komischen Oper zusammengebastelt hat, in der Christbaumkugeln aus Glas älter werden als man selbst. Hübsche Welt, und ein wirklich erstklassiger Gott, der dafür verantwortlich ist.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Ihre Schulbildung ist ein Quentchen zu gut, um Hackfleisch zu kneten. Das wissen Sie doch, Kumpel, nicht?«
»Das stimmt«, sagte Johnny. »Ich habe mich direkt aus dem Arbeitsmarkt hinausgebildet.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass fünfundneunzig Prozent der Menschen auf der Erde einfach gleichgültige Masse sind. Ein Prozent sind Heilige, ein Prozent sind Arschlöcher. Die anderen drei Prozent sind die Leute, die das machen, was Sie sagen.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Ich verstehe, was die Welt antreibt. Der Treibstoff ist ein Teil Superbenzin und neun Teile reinster Bockmist.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Basta de discusión.. intervino Herb
Las familias no deberían discutir, y los huracanes no deberían soplar.. pero soplan todos los años”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Y en otros momentos me parece que aquella época está a sólo un palmo de distancia, casi al alcance de la mano, y que si pudiera rodearte con los brazos o tocar tu mejilla o tu nuca, podría transportarte conmigo a un futuro diferente donde no existirían el dolor ni la oscuridad ni las opciones amargas.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“He is a mechanic of the brain. He has cut it to piecese and found no soul. Therefore there is none. Like the Russian astronauts who circled the earth and did not see God. It is the empiricism of the mechanic, and a mechanic is only a child with superior motor control.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Y en otros momentos me parece que aquella época está a sólo un palmo de distancia, casi al alcance de la mano, y que si pudiera rodearte con los brazos o tocar tu mejilla o tu nuca, podría transportarte conmigo a un futuro diferente donde no existirían el dolor ni la oscuridad ni las opciones amargas.

Bueno, todos hacemos lo que podemos, y eso debe bastarnos..., y si no nos basta, debemos resignamos. Sólo espero que tengas el mejor recuerdo posible de mí.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

“Todos hacemos lo que podemos, y eso debe bastarnos... y si no nos basta, debemos resignamos. Nunca se pierde nada, Sarah. Nada que no se pueda hallar.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Dead Zone

About the author

Stephen King
Born place: in Portland, Maine, The United States
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