Quotes from The Ship of Brides

Jojo Moyes ·  482 pages

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“the only people who still have all the answers are those who have never been faced with the questions”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“Very few troubles in life couldn’t be lessened by a nice smile—that was what her mother always said.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“the only people who still have all the answers are those who have never been faced with the questions.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“Margaret laughed. “Sure thing. Sorry, Ave. I’ll go and get the tea.” Ave. If Avice had been feeling less awful, she would have corrected her: there was nothing worse than an abbreviated name.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“I suppose I hadn't believed in Fate until that point. But it's hard not to [...] when you think that there was no way, across miles, continents, vast ocean, we were meant to see each other again.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“bunched formation of fighter planes, it”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“His wife, rather irritatingly, raised an eyebrow, as if she could no longer be bothered to make an adequate response to his observations.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“I don’t think he’ll be able to see you over the radio,” Frances ventured. “But I still want to look nice for him.” Margaret”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“He was met by a collective shriek as the brides parted like biblical waves around him.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“known as Ward G had been moved back”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“None of us lasts forever, do we? If I'm honest, seeing her like that was an unwelcome reminder of my own mortality. Of what I had been. Of what we all must become.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“Directly above the starboard engine room, it was also in a state of almost constant vibration, the noise juddering away below their feet with an awesome, leviathan constancy.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“The young are right to be fearless, she reminded herself. Remember yourself at that age.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

“Captain,” she said, “the only people who still have all the answers are those who have never been faced with the questions.”
― Jojo Moyes, quote from The Ship of Brides

About the author

Jojo Moyes
Born place: in London, England, The United Kingdom
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