Quotes from The River King

Alice Hoffman ·  344 pages

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“Outside, the September air was enticingly fragrant, yellow with pollen and rich, lemony sunlight.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“There was the blue sky above her and all those many roses, the ones that gave off the scent of cloves in the rain and the ones that left a trace of lemon on your fingers, the ones that were the color of blood, and those that were as white as clouds. Each one was sweeter than the next and as red as gemstones.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Others said May was best, that sweet green time when lilacs bloomed and gardens along Main Street were filled with sugary pink peonies and Dutch tulips.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“She knew it the way people say they know they are about to be hit by lightning, yet remain powerless to run, unable to avoid their fate. She panicked, as anyone might have when disparate parts of her life were about to crash into each other, certain to leave a path of anguish and debris. It was true that devotion could be lost as quickly as it was found, which was why some people insisted that love letters be written in ink. How easy it was for even the sweetest words to evaporate, only to be rewritten as impulse and infatuation might dictate. How unfortunate that love could not be taught or trained, like a seal or a dog. Instead it was a wolf on the prowl, with a mind of its own, and it made its own way, undeterred by the damage done. Love like this could turn honest people into liars and cheats, as it now did…”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“The grass he walked through was new and a sweet smell clung to his clothes. There was blue dye on his hands from the wild irises... that the color of the sky was a shade that could never be replicated in any photograph, just as Heaven could never be seen from the confines of Earth.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“At first it appeared as if something with wings had fallen from above... perhaps an angel who had faltered then drowned, in tears of this poor tired world.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Margaret thought of all she knew for certain, that day would always follow night that love was never wasted nor was it lost.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“In no time the perennial borders were thick with rosy-pink foxglove and cream-colored lilies, each of which hung like a pendant, collecting dew on its satiny petals.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“...(roses) each one shivering with cool silver light.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Perhaps what people said was true, that any man who lived long enough would eventually realize that the way in which he was cursed was also the blessing he received.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“A visitor to campus can find sweet, aromatic Properity, as well as Climbing Ophelia and those delicious Egyptian Roses, which give off the scent of cloves on rainy days, ensuring that a gardener's hands will smell sweet for hours after pruning the canes.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Such was the case with most unhappy students; they avoided even one another, so intent on their own unhappiness they failed to notice the other lost souls around them.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“If anything, love was like light, illuminating what no one would have ever guessed was there in the darkness.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“...there was a storm of enormous proportions, with winds so strong that dozens of fish were drawn up from the reedy shallows, then lifted above the village in a shining cloud of scales.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“He had appeared beside her because she had wanted him to. She had called him to her, and was calling him still. Even when she fell asleep, she dreamed of water, as if the world were topsy-turvy and everything she cared about had been lost in the deep. She plunged through the green waves with her eyes wide open, searching for the world as she'd known it, but that world no longer existed; everything that had once been solid was liquid now, and the birds swam alongside the fish.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“...if anyone bothered to search through the laurel bordering the asphalt he'd surely find handfuls of teeth that were said to give the laurel its odd milky color, ivory with a pale pink edge, each blossom forming the shape of a bitter man's mouth.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“He carried so much suffering that it radiated out in waves. Sorrow is like that: whenever a person runs, it comes after him; it leaves an endless trail of pain.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Love someone and they’re yours forever, no matter how much time intervenes, that’s what Margaret Grey knew. The sky will always be blue; the wind will always rise up across the meadow and thread its way through the grass.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“Love someone and they're yours forever”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“There seemed to be handfuls of stars tossed right above the rooftops in Haddan, keeping the town still alight at midnight.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“As for Gus, he had come to Haddan with no appreciation for the human race and no expectations of his fellow man. He was full ready to confront contempt; he'd been beleaguered and insulted often enough to have learned to ignore anything with a heartbeat. Still, every once in a while he made an exception, as he did with Carlin Leander. He appreciated everything about Carlin and lived for the hour when they left their books and sneaked off to the graveyard. Not even the crow nesting in the elm tree could dissuade him from his mission, for when he was beside Carlin, Gus acquired a strange optimism; in the light of her radiance the rest of the world began to shine. For a brief time, bad faith and human weakness could be forgotten or, at the very least, temporarily ignored. When it came time to go back to their rooms, Gus followed on the path, holding on to each moment, trying his best to stretch out time. Standing in the shadows of the rose arbor in order to watch Carlin climb back up the fire escape at St. Anne's, his heart ached. He could tell he was going to be devastated, and yet he was already powerless. Carlin always turned and waved before she stepped through her window and Gus Pierce always waved back, like a common fool, an idiot of a boy who would have done anything to please her.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“...a pretty little minnow...cool as rain, blue as heaven...”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

“The silver trout were so numerous that if every one had turned into a star, the river would have been shining with light; a man out on a skiff sould then be able to find his way past Hamilton, all the way into Boston, guided by a shimmering band of water.”
― Alice Hoffman, quote from The River King

About the author

Alice Hoffman
Born place: in New York, New York, The United States
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