Quotes from Eternal Rider

Larissa Ione ·  402 pages

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“Let a woman too close, and while she sucked your cock, she sucked your brains and manhood right out of you, too.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“...and horror of horrors, he realized that he was experiencing some sort of a crush.

He needed to kill something.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Piss me off again and I'll rip you a new asshole and then fuck it. And that's just the foreplay.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“And, ah, who are you?
What Horseman, I mean.”
Thanatos swung around. “Death.”
Cara swallowed. Audibly. “As in, the Grim Reaper?”
He snorted. “That poser.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“This is needle-in-haystack shit. And the haystack is made of needles. On a needle planet.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“No bra,” he said against her mouth. “Thank you. I hate those things. Dumbest human invention. Ever.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“His hand sliced through the air in a silencing motion, and he stalked to the window. "Have you seen any rats?"
Her mind spun at the sudden shift of subject. "Rats?"
"Rodents that resemble large mice."
"I know what rats are," she gritted out. "Why?"
"They're spies." He peered through the curtain into the darkness. Thick fog diffused the yellow lamplight, creating an eerie glow on the street below. "Have you seen any?"
Rodent spies? The man might be hot as hell, but he was a loon. As inconspicuously as possible, Cara inched toward the door. "I didn't see any furry little James Bonds.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“She'd read somewhere that normal, healthy men got up to twenty erections a day. Um...yep, Ares was definitely healthy.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“You know I could crush you."
"I know you won't."
"Why, because I need to protect you?"
"No," She poked him in the breastplate. "Because you gave me a pillow.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Your mom is my sunset, and you are my dawn.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“You two have a lot of balls coming here."

Kynan gestured to Arik. "He does. I'm charmed. Nothing can hurt me. Or my balls.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“It wasn't a kiss, human, so don't get excited."

She sputtered in outrage. "I don't know what putting your lips on someone else's mouth means for your people - whatever they are - but humans call that a kiss."

"Congratulations, then. You made out with a hellhound.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“You aren't human. Your mother is a...sex demon." She tripped over that a little, because seriously, that was one of those things you never thought you'd say. {Location 2966}”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Did you accomplish anything in your meeting with Kynan and Arik?”
Limos, looking proud of herself, bobbed her head excitedly. “I broke Arik’s ribs.”
Reaver exhaled on a deep sigh. “Anything else?”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Okay, boys.” Pestilence's grating voice rang out. “Kill the human and the mutt, and let's get this Apocalypse started!”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“I'll listen to you, but you need to treat me with a little respect. Because it doesn't sound like I'm a pawn. Sounds like I'm more of a queen." A vein in his temple began to throb, and she grew bolder, the sense of power emanating from the mark on her chest filing her with the mettle she'd lost after the break-in two years ago. Lowering her voice to a tense whisper, she nipped his earlobe. "Checkmate.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“His instincts should have warned him sooner than they had, but thanks to his agimortus, he'd been hobbled like a brood mare waiting to be mounted by a randy stallion”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Reseph tried to convince one of my vamps to slip an aphrodisiac into my drink."

"Ares is quite fond of the orc-weed," Vulgrim called out from the kitchen, and yeah, there was a set of chains in the dungeon with his name on them.

Limos scowled. "What did your demon say?"

"Nothing," Ares muttered.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Give up the human, and I’ll call them off,” Reseph called out.
“Fuck you.”
“Incest, brother?” He shrugged. “Well, hell, I’ve tried everything else since my Seal broke…”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Was he actually looking forward to seeing Cara again? The goofy way his lips were curved into a smile said yes, and horror of horrors, he realized he was experiencing some sort of crush. He needed to kill something.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“He thought it was funny that she could hack a bloodthirsty demon to death, but something as natural as having a baby made her quake. Not that Kynan blamed her. He’d happily choose taking a bullet to the gut over squeezing a bowling ball out of his ass. Women were amazing.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Reseph had never been cruel or callous,
had lived in fear of succumbing to his evil side. And if he was that bad now that his Seal had been broken… Ares was screwed.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“War is hell.” —William Tecumseh Sherman “Sherman was totally my bitch.” —War”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

“Thanatos swung around. “Death.” Cara swallowed. Audibly. “As in, the Grim Reaper?” He snorted. “That poser. He deals with evil souls.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Eternal Rider

About the author

Larissa Ione
Born place: The United States
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