Quotes from Take Me On

Katie McGarry ·  544 pages

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“I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Don’t think of it as falling. Think of it as jumping- with me.”

“How is jumping better?”

“Falling happens. Jumping you choose.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you and I don't know how to make you feel better. I'm in love with you and I shouldn't be. I'm in love with you and once you figure out who I am, you're not going to love me. I'm in love with you and I seem to fuck up the ones who love me back.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“We're strong together, Hayley. Stronger then we are apart."
"I don't feel strong," I whisper.
"Then I'll be strong enough for both of us."
My fingers dig into his shoulders and I cling to him.
"I love you.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Go there and I swear to God you’ll have to check ‘other’ when asked if you’re male or female.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I will always hold you, I will always love you and I will always be right here.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I'm in love with you"

Finally, the girl looks at me. "What?"

"I don't know." I gesture to the house, the yard, the dirt surrounding us. "I'm not sure what suggested romance. Maybe it was the screaming match or the way my girlfriend kicked my ass to the ground, but I love you."

Her mouth gapes. "I...I..."

"I don't want you to say it back now. One of us should have some class.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“West Young. My West Young. The guy who fought for me when Conner and his friend tried to jump me. The guy who took on a fight to help save my family. The guy who held me while I mourned my own losses. That's West Young. The man I'm falling for.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“She's probably right on both counts, but there's something dark in her eyes. It's the same shadow I see whenever she stops me. "You're worth fighting for."

"I'm not." The way she answers too fast with too much conviction twists my insides. When the three men who should be taking bullets for her stand by and let insults be thrown at her, how can I convince her otherwise?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“we were nothing more than actions to reactions - helpless against our own fate. It's true. I react and others pay.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Am I holding her together as much as she's keeping me from falling apart?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Silences seem longer in darkness. I think it's because it's harder to lie when the lights are off. There's a rawness that only belongs to the night and the truth can't help but be set free.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Is this all we are? Continual actions and reactions? No control over our future? [...] If that's true, then life is one pathetic and sick game.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“The weight of the world isn't on you, you know?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“...this sort of feels like green."
"This is me being blue. Don't worry - you're still yellow”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“This doesn’t mean anything,” Haley whispers as she reaches up and pulls at the Velcro of my glove.
“Yes, it does.” I bring my arms to my sides and the instant the gloves fall to the floor, my hands latch on to that beautiful body. “Tell me, Haley. Please tell me it does because this means something to me.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I've had a lot of time to think and even though the silence is new, the loneliness isn't. How is it possible to have been surrounded by people and never feel complete?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I'm used to people talking, saying words aloud to prove they know more than me, that they're better than me. But they're just words. Syllables strung together between breaths to fill uncomfortable silences.
Meaningless words.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I feel small against him, fragile. Like he's realized the secret I've hidden: that I'm breakable, if not already broken.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I'm already half-dust, Hayley, and I'm tired of trying to hold together what's left.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Has there ever been anything in your life you've learned that you wish you could take back knowing?”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I knot my fingers with Haley's and turn my head so I'm focusing out the driver's-side window--away from her. If I look at Haley, I'm terrified of what I might say, what I might feel. And fuck me, I've already said too much.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“No more game playing. It's time we call this fight what it is: a war.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“You asked me earlier what it was like to come home,” I say.
Haley nods. I lace our fingers together and raise them into the air. “I couldn’t answer you because I didn’t know, but now I do. This-” I rock out hands “-I finally found home.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“The feeling that no matter what happened or what I did, there was someplace safe to fall.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“I'm falling for you, but I don't want to.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Last night, the two of us said too much, felt too much, and I had somehow convinced myself that the moment we shared would remain that–a moment. But it didn't; the emotions between us linger and I don't know what that means.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Isaiah’s initial response was to let you bleed out in the street, but then he got sentimental and thought Rachel would be sad if you died, so he called and asked me to take care of you. I told him Rachel would’ve gotten over you and that we could make her happy if we bought her a bunny, but he was so damned insistent. See, Isaiah and I have this past. I’ve known him forever because we met each other in a Dumpster—”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“We crossed beyond friends the night we spent in your room and you know that. Fuck, Haley, there isn’t a moment that we haven’t been into each other and I’m not the only one in the room aware of it.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

“Someday, she’ll trust me enough to tell me the truth. For now, I’ll be that home she lost – I’ll be that soft, secure place where she can land.”
― Katie McGarry, quote from Take Me On

About the author

Katie McGarry
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