Quotes from The Missing Link

330 pages

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“To answer your question from before – staying closed off from you is impossible. Having to walk away from you ripped my fucking heart out.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“He doesn't believe in love at first sight,but he knew the second he saw her she was different.He doesn't know why. Maybe it's what happens when you meet your destiny, or maybe they call it love at first sight merely because the minute you see that person you know your life will never be the same again, and his won't.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“I have never wanted to be inside a woman more in my life. I'm going mad in my desire for you. The way you moan, the way you taste, the way you come for me with unrestrained devotion, makes me crazy with wanting to know what will happen when I enter you: how your body will arch against mine, the sounds you'll make, the tightness I'll feel as you peak around my cock. I want you so fucking bad it's taking everything I have not to take you against this door, making you so full and stretched with me in you that you're mine and we both know it.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Revenge is an ugly seed, and once it's planted it soaks into your veins, feeding off your cells until they grow as black and dark as it is, eventually casting an ominous mask over your soul.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Sometimes the only reason a person enters our life is to pass along a valuable lesson, to help us heal or grow.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“If you love someone you look past their faults and flaws, where most people dwell on them and use it against them.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Damn baby, I don’t know whether to fuck you or spank you,” he mutters, staring down at our lips that are faintly touching.
“Yes to the first,” I pant out, breathing getting heavy from wanting this man, “and you spank, I spank.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Jay grins, “I love the way your eyes glow when you smile. You could get a man to be your slave with a smile like that.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“When I took you with me to the old racetrack. I loved sharing that moment with you. It got me thinking about what a life with you would be like, then you fucking kissed me and I was doomed.” I giggle as he starts to nibble down my neck. “You destroyed me with that kiss, babe. Fucking destroyed me.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Being afraid of an emotion and not letting yourself feel it is different. It may scare you, but you don't stop it.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“I wanted to own your heart, your mind, your sweet as sin body. I wanted your soul, I wanted to own those things, because in that moment your owned every fucking part of me, and you still do.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Most of all he missed her, and how she felt like home.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Everyone deserves someone."
"No, not everyone. Not someone like me."
"Especially someone like you. I wish you could see what I do.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“I want to kiss him in gratitude, but I'm not about to get Stockholm Syndrome just because they feed me.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Why? Who are you running from?” Jay laughs, dark and sinister, “Not running. Hunting.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“I'm going to remember you forever Lily, and how life seemed to stand still whenever you smiled at me.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Only one's own strength can truly make the right changes to heal and grow.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“You stay with me tonight,” he commands, not giving me a choice.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“I've never had enemies before, and I can say without a doubt I do now. It makes me feel a little badass.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“know I won't be able to stay away. Jay is a magnetic force that pulls me in, sucks me into his vortex. I want to know him, even the parts of him that frighten me, and God help me but I've never been more turned on at the sight of a man in my life, scars and all.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Let me worship your body, I want tonight to be about giving you immense pleasure.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Damn, that guy is a gladiator meets spartan beast!”
― quote from The Missing Link

“We don't talk, he just holds me while I cry,
letting the woman I let Will bury come up for air.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Because, baby, revenge is an ugly seed, and once it's planted it soaks into your veins, feeding off your cells until they grow as black and as dark as it is, eventually casting an ominous mask over your soul. That's what my life had become until you. i can't say goodbye again, but I can't have my revenge and have you. I choose you.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“Best fucking thing I ever put in my mouth.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“You make it sound like I'm your protector or some shit. I heard a faint scream. Decided to check it out. Found a car not too far down behind the bar. Four men. Car rocking. Shouting. I checked it out. Saw some girl struggling inside. Got closer. It was you. I saw red. You know the rest.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“A purely sinister smirk shapes his
upper lip and I swear his eyes turn black.”
― quote from The Missing Link

“She saved my life. Where did she learn to shoot like that? It was like watching a female Bruce Willis action hero.”
― quote from The Missing Link

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