Quotes from The Calling

Kelley Armstrong ·  326 pages

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“Remembering. Forgetting. I'm not sure which is worse.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“Maybe my expectations for honesty are too high.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“It's a road!"
I patted his back." It's a lovely road. Now which way do we go?"
Corey looked one way, the brown ribbon extending into emptiness. He looked the other way, saw the same thing and his shoulders slumped.
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“I'd always thought of myself as an open-minded person. I had no patience with anyone who put down other kids because of their race, religion, or sexuality. But that's just one kind of open-mindedness. There's another kind, too, the kind that's willing to see people for who they really are and admit when you were wrong about them. That's the part I still need to work on.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“Yes," I said "You were saved by a girl. Horrible, isn't it?"
He slid out and looked down at my bare legs. "Not just a girl, but a half-naked one. Now that's hot. If I'm still unconscious, don't wake me, okay?”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“His gaze travelled down me, then zipped back to my face. "Sorry."
"Focus, Rafe."
"I am. Just on the wrong thing.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“I'm just saying it's not time for that either. We need to focus and having Maya moon over Rafe is making everyone uncomfortable."
Rafe grinned. "Doesn't bother me.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“It's a road," Corey said, pointing.
"A dirt road," Hayley muttered.
"So? We've been slogging through the forest for two days. What do you want? A six-lane highway?”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“And unless I'm remembering it wrong, mermaids don't sing and sirens don't swim."
"Ariel sang in 'The Little Mermaid'," Corey said.
Sam came over to join us. "Do I even want to know why you remember her name?”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“I understood that now. I wished I could have understood it then. I wished I could have said something in that last moment, before he let go.
He'd told me it was okay. His last words to me.
Why couldn't they have been my last words to him?”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“I had no patience with anyone who put down other kids because of their race, religion, or sexuality. But that’s just one kind of open-mindedness. There’s another kind, too, the kind that’s willing to see people for who they really are and admit when you were wrong about them.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

"Where are you?"
I called.
"Over here. I'm..." A sharp intake of breath. "Hurt."
"Okay, stay where you are. I'm coming."

I broke into a jog. Only no matter how fast I ran, his scent and his voice didn't get any stronger. I kept going until I tripped over a root and hit the ground hard.
"Maya? Is that you?"

I pushed to my feet, wincing as I flexed my stinging hands. "I'm—"
"Maya! I need you."

His voice seemed to come from all around me. I spun, trying to pinpoint it, but he kept yelling, more panicking with every shout, my own panic rising until I flung myself forward—
Hands grabbed me and yanked me back. For a moment, all I saw was the darkness of night. Then it fell away, dawn light filtering through the trees, and I was standing in front of Daniel, his fingers wrapped around my wrist. Kenji was beside me, whimpering.
"I have to go,"
I said, wrenching from his grasp. "It's Rafe. He's out here. He's hurt and..."
My eyes filled with tears.
"I—" I swallowed. "I—"
Daniel took both my wrists and turned me to face him. "You were sleepwalking, Maya."
"It just...I could hear Rafe and he was hurt and I was trying to get to him and—"
My breath hitched. "It seemed real."
Daniel pulled me into a hug and I let myself collapse against his shoulder.

― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others. If you shun someone, the effect will trickle down through those who value your opinion.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

"I...I still—"
"Can't believe it?"
Rafe shrugged. "I'm guessing a regular person wouldn't have survived. But we're part cat so maybe falls aren't so bad. I think I lost one of my nine lives though." He twisted to look at the stab wound. "Maybe two."
I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when I did, I knew he was real—the heat of him, the smell of him, the feel of him, the taste of him so incredibly real that it surpassed anything my memory could conjure up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back, and it was like every other amazing kiss he'd given me, multiplied ten-fold. I kissed him until I couldn't breathe, and then I kissed him a little more, until I had to pull back, gasping.
"I have got to die more often," he said. And he grinned, that incredible blaze of a grin that made me kiss him again.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“Right." A soft, choked laugh. "Kind of ruins the dramatic effect if I'm storming off in the wrong direction, doesn't it?”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“I started rubbing my temples and she suggested I don't really get headaches. It just hurts me to think.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

"It's okay," Rafe said again. "They've got you."
The helicopter spun, whipping us around. Pain shot through me as Rafe's weight almost wrenched my shoulders out of their sockets, and my hold on his wrists broke. Corey lost his grip on my leg. I heard him shout and Daniel shout and the girls join in, and I kicked, trying to get my leg back up where someone could grab it.
The helicopter tilted again. I started to slide, Daniel sliding with me. And I knew we were going to fall. Rafe, me, Daniel, we were all going to fall.
"Hold On!" I shouted to Rafe.
"It's okay," he said, and I wasn't even sure he spoke aloud, didn't see his lips moving. "It's okay."
He let go.
I clawed the air, screaming.
I didn't even see him drop. The helicopter banked and I caught only a blur of treetops spinning past and when I looked around, there was no Rafe. No sign of him at all.
Corey and Daniel dragged me back into the helicopter. Someone got the door closed. I don't know who. I was crying and shaking so hard I couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't think.
As I huddled on the floor, I felt Daniel behind me, his arms around me. Kenji pushed onto my lap, and I buried my face in her fur, gripping handfuls and sobbing against her.

― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

"So, I guess you'll be moving on, then?" she said. "Got thing to do? Places to be?"
Daniel winced. Corey lifted his brows. Rafe only sputtered a laugh.
"Well, at least you didn't say you're sorry to see me alive."
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“(Sam) "We need to focus and having Maya moon over Rafe us making everyone uncomfortable."
Rafe grinned. "Doesn't bother me."
"Because your ego really needs the encouragement."

― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

""You don't think that I'd say this to your face? I will. You're a self-centered jerk, Rafe Martinez. You've got everyone convinced that you sacrificed yourself for Maya and Daniel, but that's crap. You didn't let go. You slipped. Maya wanted to believe there was more to it, so she convinced Daniel—"
"She didn't convince me of anything,"
Daniel said, his voice low. "I was there, too, Sam. He let go."
"So? He's not actually dead, is he?"

Rafe sputtered a laugh. She glowered at him, then at Corey, who'd joined them, grinning as he heard. Even Daniel had to wipe away a smile.
"What?" she said. "He isn't."
"The, uh, fact that he survived his heroic sacrifice really shouldn't be held against him,"
Daniel said. "Look, I'm fine with Rafe—"
"No, you're not. Heroic sacrifice or not, he's still a jerk. He waltzed into Salmon Creek and stole Maya."
I said.
"It's not your fault. You two are both skin-walkers. It's animal magnetism. You can't help yourself." She glared at Corey, who was cracking up behind Rafe. "Stop that. You know it's true. Maya's too smart to fall for an arrogant, self-centered—"
Derek said.
Sam sighed. "I know you're trying to be fair, Daniel, but you need to stand up for yourself, not let this smirking bad boy wannabe waltz in and—"
Daniel's roar made everyone stumble back. He climbed the steps and stopped in front of Sam. "I don't know what your problem is, Sam, but you've now insulted everyone here except Corey."
"Oh, she already zinged me,"
Corey said. "I started rubbing my temples and she suggested I don't really get headaches. It just hurts me to think."
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

“She looked at me again, and the sweet and shy Nicole disappeared. Her eyes blazed.
"The others aren't here, are they?" she said. "You have no intention of rescuing me. Why would you? I'm competition for your precious Daniel. You don't want him, but you don't want anyone else to have him either. You're a selfish b*tch, Maya Delaney. A sl*t, too, fooling around with every guy in sight, right under his nose."
As Nicole raged, the hair on my neck prickled, because in her eyes, I saw madness. Obsession and madness.
"Everything comes so easy for you, doesn't it, Maya? School, boys, friends, sports. Even your precious animals. You can't just take care of them like any normal person. You have to be some kind of animal whisperer. Magical healer. So damned special. Like Serena, captain of the swim team and the best singer on the freaking island, and how much does she practice? Sings in the shower. Paddles around the lake. Do you know how hard I work? It's never enough. You two get the trophies and the solos and the As and the boys."
You're crazy, I thought. Did they do this to you with their experiments? Or is this just you?
I started inching back.
"You're just going to leave me here?" she said. "Well, you know what, Maya? I could use a little company."
She screamed, a long drawn-out shriek of feigned terror.”
― Kelley Armstrong, quote from The Calling

About the author

Kelley Armstrong
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