Quotes from Slow Burn

K. Bromberg ·  400 pages

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“Time is precious. Waste it wisely.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Welcome to the estrogen vortex, dude, where mindfucks are the norm and understanding them is as common as a fucking unicorn in your front yard.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“You don’t get to choose the people that care about you. You don’t get to make choices for others, tell them how to feel or, better yet, block them out because of what you think they’ll go through.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“It’s okay to use my boy when you need strength. His back won’t break if you do, but his heart just might break if you don’t.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Voodoo, bro. Don’t knock it till you try it.”
“Ha. Now you’re all for it when a year ago you fought it every step of the way.”
“Fought it until I realized a voodoo pussy is a grown man’s Lucky Charms.”
Why the hell is he talking about cereal? “Come again?”
His flashes me a grin. “Magically delicious.”
I don’t even fight the laugh that falls from my mouth. Colton Donavan at his finest. “You are so fucked in the head.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Time is precious. Waste it wisely.” She”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“My Becks here is a good man. . . . I’m all for him ruining your lipstick, but if he ruins your mascara, you need to come let his mom know so I can put him back in his place.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, Had. I know you’re scared, but push through it. You just might miss the opportunity to live again.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Haddie, everything about you makes me want to beg to take you...to fuck you into oblivion so thoroughly that you forget your own name because you're so goddamn busy moaning mine”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“I don’t walk away from the people I love without a fight, and damn it to hell, Haddie Montgomery, you’d better prepare for that fight because I’m in love with you.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“I did warn you Ry had a hot friend. I guess you decided to dip your thermometer in and take her temperature.”
“You’re a sick fuck!”
“You wouldn't want me any other way.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“I shouldn’t be surprised. What the heart wants, the heart takes … even when it knows its owner won’t allow it.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Haddie, you can’t close yourself off forever. A life without passion and love is like slowly freezing to death.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“He taught me that when it comes to men, there are only three moods to be had: fuck you, fuck off, and fuck me.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Humans are drawn to each other’s rough edges.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“All I know is that protecting someone from the truth is just another way of shutting them out.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Time is precious, waste it wisely”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“The problem is that when you purposely want to forget someone, you remember them the most.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“That’s the fix for all of this? Eat Kisses?” I laugh, wishing life were just that easy: all things fixable with chocolate.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“She’s like that first taste of something you can’t have — that priceless sip of Macallan poured neat—and no matter how many times you’re lucky enough to get just a splash more, it’s never enough to get you drunk...
The sip of Macallan that ruins you for all others.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Wild keeps a man on his toes … causes him to always pay attention, not take a single thing for granted. When a man gets complacent, he can lose sight of what matters most.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“She’s hot and cold, but damn, when she’s hot, it’s scorching, and when she’s cold, it’s arctic.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“A life without passion and love is like slowly freezing to death.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“I may be too cynical to believe in love at first sight, Montgomery, but I believe in the click that happens between two people.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“I’m focused on the sky above us. The clouds float there so nicely, form a set of shapes, and then float some more to change to a different one. Wouldn't it be so easy to be like that—change, shift, adjust — without so much as a thought of the next storm about to roll in threatening to decimate you.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“This is the best and worst part about having a friend who’s so close to you. You know what to expect from them, and they know what to do to get a reaction out of you.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“There is something about saying a hard truth aloud that makes it both more real and more cathartic.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“And each alert, each ding, was like adding salt to my open wound because lying to someone else is one thing, but lying to yourself is impossible.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Run all you want, Haddie,” he murmurs, his deep cadence a strong sound against the white noise around us, “but you’re going to find yourself all tangled up in those dangling ends you refuse to tie to something. . . . Who’s going to rescue you then?”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

“Here’s to nipples, because without them, tits would be fucking pointless.”
― K. Bromberg, quote from Slow Burn

About the author

K. Bromberg
Born place: in The United States
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