Quotes from Selling Scarlett

Ella James ·  426 pages

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“I think of him as part tiger. He's languid to the point of appearing almost lazy, and yellow or green, those eyes are framed by ridiculous lashes, set in a strong face with prominent cheekbones, full lips, and a sensuous smile.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“It dawns on me that most people would probably be happy with my weekend. I just won five million dollars. But one of the strange things about being rich as shit is five million's just not that exciting.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I can see the exact moment he realizes what I've been doing. His torso stiffens as his hands, pressed against the mattress, curl into big fists. He makes a low, approving sound and speaks in a voice that sounds like molten lava. "That’s so sexy.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I'd gotten my first glimpse of Elizabeth DeVille. She'd had her hair in a pony-tail that stuck up off the side of her head, and she'd been wearing short red shorts and a light blue tank top with a whale on it. “You like whales?” I'd asked her when I finished with the car. Her face had gone all soft and pretty, making me feel more like one-hundred-and-three than the twenty-three I was, and she'd shrugged. “Yeah, but not a lot more than any other animal. I just like saving things.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Instead I go to the vineyard and jerk off in my bed. When I'm finished, I call Marchant. I can't tell him about Priscilla's threats...”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Priscilla is a masochist, but she has a sadistic side, I learned tonight. She brought the whip to keep me out of the party, but she definitely enjoyed using it.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I'm a recovering addict who visits brothels and has a penthouse at a casino. You've seen me fucking a porn star—not too easy, either. You're riding an awful fucking lot on intuition.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I'm surprised you went to a brothel for sex,” I say after a few minutes.
“Are you?” he smiles a little ruefully.
“You could get it on your own.”
“True. But I'm emotionally detached. Women don't like that.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“My life has been fucked up this way ever since that night with Sarabelle. I woke up the next morning stark naked, sprawled out on my back, with a splitting headache, a killer case of dry-mouth, and a lipstick heart drawn around my left nipple. When I sat up, the room tilting around me…”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Next I think about that night on my bed: her head pressed into my pillow, her hair spread out around her face. The memory of it makes me hard, but then I remember how it ended, with Libby seeing me with Priscilla. Impotent rage washes over me, but I'm still hard as a damn diamond. I shift my weight; that makes it worse. Libby's eyes are on mine, thankfully.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Priscilla is having Libby followed. That means when I follow Libby, I have to be discreet. The last thing I need is Priscilla knowing that I know what she's doing. It would ruin everything.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I imagine Hunter sitting at a poker table in a Vegas casino. He's resplendent in black jeans, a black shirt, and a Stetson. His poker face is beautiful; intriguing. I feel my body heat again as I think about kissing his lips. I wonder if the women there fall all over him. I bet the escorts would pay him to take a tumble.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“I'm thinking of making it a project for my PhD. You know, writing about value judgments people place on things. One sexual encounter is just that: it's a ten minute thing. And virginity? It's just a hymen, an antiquated measure of a woman's value,”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Something's wrong with Hunter. I can tell the moment he steps into the ring. I've been watching him from afar for years, and I'm an old pro at his body language. Hunter West is a guy who's used to setting the agenda. His limbs are usually loose and relaxed, carried with the kind of self-assurance that comes from knowing you've got it all handled.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Eventually, I decide to salute him. I’m reaching all the way back to middle school for this one. "Yessir," I say smartly, snapping my feet together. "Damn right," he mutters as he opens the door for me.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“C'mon, Libby…I don't have room for wherever this might be headed, so why not end it while we're both ahead?”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“It's kind of surprising, considering he spends most of his time in Vegas, playing poker (professionally, of all things), man-whoring, and tossing back his family's infamous Louisiana bourbon. That was his great-grandfather, Willard West's legacy. Hunter's father, Conrad West, after a long life in politics, is Secretary of State. He disapproves of Hunter’s lifestyle, or so I’ve heard.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“As it is, I'm Elizabeth DeVille, super spy and resident poor girl, and watching him out of the corner of my eye will have to do. I nod at something my best friend Suri is saying to me, feeling like a shitty friend because I'm not really listening.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“With the exception of Hunter West, who's been my own personal porn since that fateful night Mom's Porsche broke down, I don't find that many men attractive. Maybe I am a lesbian, but I don't think so.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Last night, the Hunter was hunted. Do you remember how hard I made you cum?”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“There’s a common perception, partially true, that rich people are above the law. It’s true for a lot of us, but I have a feeling my notoriety could work against me. I’m the kind of guy prosecutors like to stick a case to. And I've got a dirty past.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“ A good twenty percent of this idea's allure is in my eagerness to get rid of my V-card so I can stop saving it for Hunter. I need to be freed of that idea. Freed of my crush. I hope that after spending some time at Love Inc., I never blush in the middle of a sexual encounter ever again. No Hunter West or anybody else will be able to knock me off my feet, and I like that idea.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Do you realize anyone could have won?"
"Anyone without a criminal record," she corrects. "And yes.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“He ducks and pulls my panties down, and before I know it his mouth is covering me right where I'm throbbing. I'm coming off the mattress, tugging on his hair, and he is moaning like he loves it.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“Hope can turn ugly when it's dashed over and over.”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

“paisley apron, has her back to me. Her curly brown hair is locked away in pigtails, and she looks like she just stepped”
― Ella James, quote from Selling Scarlett

About the author

Ella James
Born place: in The United States
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