Quotes from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

Bryan Lee O'Malley ·  245 pages

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“Scott: I don't think I'm ready to be a grown-up.
Kim: I don't think you are either, buddy. But hey, you'll get it. It just takes practice.”
― Bryan Lee O'Malley, quote from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

“Do you want to have sex? I think we should have sex. CASUAL sex.”
― Bryan Lee O'Malley, quote from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

“I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck.
...I never wanted to get stuck”
― Bryan Lee O'Malley, quote from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

“Alright, go away. I have a tiny world to save.”
― Bryan Lee O'Malley, quote from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

“Dude... Things never were the same. Change is... It's what we get. I guess that's my problem - I'm always trying to beat the clock; outrun the universe... Like nothing can change me, as long as I change first. I feel like I'm in this river, just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck... I never wanted to get stuck.”
― Bryan Lee O'Malley, quote from Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

About the author

Bryan Lee O'Malley
Born place: in London, Ontario, Canada
Born date February 21, 1979
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