Quotes from Deadline

Chris Crutcher ·  320 pages

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“Love, in the universal sense, is unconditional acceptance. In the individual sense, the one-on-one sense, try this: we can say we love each other if my life is better because you're in it and your life is better because I'm in it. The intensity of the love is weighted by how much better.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“But the truth doesn't need to be known, or believed, to be true.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“...we can say we love each other if my life is better because you're in it and your life is better because I'm in it.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“You put yourself out there in the truest way you can and hope others do the same. You'll connect or you won't, but you did what you could.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“Beware the short terminal guy with nothing to lose.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“If someone's different from you and it scares you or makes you mad, that's God telling you to take a closer look. If you're scared or mad, that's about you, not about the person who scares you or angers you.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“So you didn’t tell me it was a messed-up idea to keep this all a secret because. . .”

“Because experience is the only teacher,” Hey-Soos says. “Even if I could have told you, it would have been a lecture. Why do you think kids don’t listen to their parents, or people don’t leave churches and do what the preacher tells them? There’s only one thing that’s universal.”

“What’s that?”

“The truth.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“I'd rather be a flash than a slowly burning ember.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“I figure if Doc is right about the time I have left,I should wrap up my adolescence in the next few days, get into my early productive stages about the third week of school, go through my midlife crisis during Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, redouble my efforts at productivity and think about my legacy, say, Easter, and start cashing in my 401(k)s a couple weeks before Memorial Day. ”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“I think when you’re dying you start looking for important things in the corners. You can’t let anything that seems even semi-important pass, because it passes forever. Things take on meaning.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“Experience is the only teacher,” Hey-Soos says. “Even if I could have told you, it would have been a lecture. Why do you think kids don’t listen to their parents, or people don’t leave churches and do what the preacher tells them?”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“The only truly ruined people are those who believe they are.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“Tonight sometime the full reality will dawn on him, but he's like me: the guy you want at the site where the plane went down.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“There isn't an entity in the universe that does not know about love.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“The distances across that atom, in relative measure, are the same as the distances across the universe. So there is no big and no little and I’m left to realize that the pain I feel, relative to me, is as big as two galaxies moving apart in the universe,”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“So you didn’t tell me it was a messed-up idea to keep this all a secret because. . .”
Because experience is the only teacher,” Hey-Soos says. “Even if I could have told you, it would have been a lecture. Why do you think kids don’t listen to their parents, or people don’t leave churches and do what the preacher tells them? There’s only one thing that’s universal.”
What’s that?”
The truth.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“The first time I heard the saying 'Live every day like you are going to live forever and every day like is your last.' I thought it was one of those unsolvable story problems from my fifth grade arithmetic books, but it turned out to be the truest thing about my year." -Chris Crutcher Deadline”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“Love in the universal sense, is unconditional acceptance. In the individual sense, the one on one sense, try this: we can say we love each other if my life is better because you're in it and your life is better because I'm in it. The intensity of that love is weighted by how much better." ~ Chris Crutcher from his novel, Deadline.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

“I'm sorry. I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't. My favorite professor at the university said he gets his piece of therapeutic information every time he boards an airplane. The flight attendant says if the oxygen mask drops down, be sure to put on your own before helping anyone with theirs. I'm afraid I haven't put mine on.”
― Chris Crutcher, quote from Deadline

About the author

Chris Crutcher
Born place: in Dayton, Ohio, The United States
Born date July 7, 1946
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