Quotes from Sad Cypress

Agatha Christie ·  336 pages

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“Ah, but life is like that! It does not permit you to arrange and order it as you will. It will not permit you to escape emotion, to live by the intellect and by reason! You cannot say, 'I will feel so much and no more.' Life, Mr. Welman, whatever else it is, is not reasonable. [Hercule Poirot]”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“To care passionately for another human creature brings always more sorrow than joy; but at the same time, Elinor, one would not be without experience. Anyone who has never really loved has never really lived..”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“The human face is, after all, nothing more nor less than a mask.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“The point is that one's got an instinct to live. One does not live because one's reason assents to living. People who, as we say, 'would be better dead,' don’t want to die! People who apparently have got everything to live for just let themselves fade out of life because they have not got the energy to fight.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“I find most of the human race extraordinarily repulsive. They probably reciprocate this feeling.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“When you're in the middle of a nightmare, something ordinary is the only hope. Anyway, ordinary things are the best. I've always thought so.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“You weren't quite accurate just now."
"I? Not accurate?" Poirot sounded affronted.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“Why harrow oneself by looking on the worst side?... Because it is sometimes necessary.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“A little difficult to know where you were with Elinor. She didn't reveal much of what she thought and felt about things. He liked that about her. He hated people who reeled off their thoughts and feelings to you, who took it for granted that you wanted to know all their mechanism. Reserve was always more interesting.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“Everything costs so much—clothes and one’s face—and just silly things like cinemas and cocktails—and even gramophone records!’ Roddy”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“.... she was like a flower.
And suddenly, for a vivid minute, Hercule Poirot had a new conception of
the dead girl. In that halting rustic voice the girl Mary lived and bloomed
again. "She was like a flower."
There was suddenly a poignant sense of loss, of something exquisite
destroyed. In his mind phrase after phrase succeeded each other. Peter
Lord's "She was a nice kid." Nurse Hopkins's "She could have gone on the
films any time." Mrs. Bishop's venomous "No patience with her airs and
graces." And now last, putting to shame, laying aside those other views,
the quiet, wondering, "She was like a flower.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“بغضّ النظر عن الطرف الذى يقف فيه المرء فإن عليه مواجهة الحقائق!”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“المغزى هو أن لدى المرء غريزة للعيش. لا يعيش المرء لأن عقله وافق على الحياة. إن من نقول عنهم:"إن من الأفضل لهم أن يموتوا" لا يريدون الموت،وأولئك الذين يمتلكون-ظاهرياً-كل ما يمكن أن يُعاش لأجله نراهم يتركون أنفسهم يذبلون حتى الموت لأنهم يفتقرون إلى طاقة الكفاح والمقاومة.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“A volte si apre un abisso fra il passato e il futuro. Quando una persona si è incamminata nella valle all'ombra della morte, e ne torna fuori alla luce del sole...è allora, mon cher, che comincia una nuova vita. Il passato non serve più.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

“Un pò difficile capire come stavano le cose quando c'era di mezzo Elinor. In realtà non rivelava mai molto di ciò che pensava o sentiva. E questo gli piaceva in lei. Perché detestava le persone che vuotavano il sacco, e rivelavano subito le proprie opinioni o manifestavano i propri sentimenti...le persone che davano praticamente per scontato che l'interlocutore desiderasse sapere com'era articolato il loro meccanismo interiore. Il riserbo era sempre stato più interessante.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Sad Cypress

About the author

Agatha Christie
Born place: in Torquay, Devon, England, The United Kingdom
Born date September 15, 1890
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