Quotes from Relic

Douglas Preston ·  480 pages

Rating: (78.4K votes)

“What we have here is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

“Margo, zise Frock, râzând încetișor, ceea ce avem noi aici este o ghicitoare, înfășurată într-un mister din interiorul unei enigme.”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

“New York City had a short memory for violence,”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

“You see, when someone says “it’s impossible,’ I have this very bad habit, I can’t help myself, I immediately contradict that person in the most positive terms possible. A very bad habit, but one that I find hard to break.”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

“The three-million-dollar Omega-9 Parallel Processing Computer, which took up a series of large gray boxes along one wall, was now completely silent.”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

“Not only eating Lieutenant, but slobbering over the food as well. Clearly, he, she, or it has no manners.”
― Douglas Preston, quote from Relic

About the author

Douglas Preston
Born place: in Cambridge, Massachusetts, The United States
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