Quotes from Relentless

Karen Lynch ·  288 pages

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“No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“If I ever got this stupid over a guy I hoped someone would slap some sense into me.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“read a quote once that said ‘when you light a candle, you also cast a shadow”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Sometimes I thought of us as a pair of damaged bookends. We both had our flaws but we belonged together even if there was always something between us, keeping us apart.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“He always said you could learn a lot about a person by the things they valued.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“When you keep to yourself, people will fill in the details about your life themselves.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Compassion and kindness are powers unto themselves if wielded correctly.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“I’d never thought much about dating and relationships until the possibility of having them was gone. I wasn’t the type of person who could casually date someone while knowing there was absolutely no chance of more between us. I guess deep down I’d always believed that someday I’d meet the ‘one’ and we’d live happily ever after. Ever after held a whole new meaning for me now and it wasn’t a happy one.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Letting someone get that close to you only opens you up to more pain when they are gone.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“He gave a small shrug. “You and I both know that people see only what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“people see only what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“The doorbell rang, making me and Roland jump. Nikolas opened the door to admit Chris whose good-natured smile did not falter even when he saw our grim faces. Then he saw Remy. I didn’t think I had ever seen someone’s eyes go that round before. Roland shoved a glass of Nate’s whiskey into Chris’s hand while Nikolas brought him up to speed on all he had missed.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“If I was you,” I whispered in her ear, “I’d be less worried about whether or not a girl beat up my boyfriend and more concerned about why my boyfriend wasn’t with me instead.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“I am so not in Kansas anymore.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“But just because a person chooses to not believe something, that doesn’t mean it’s not real.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“No one who truly belonged to Faerie could ever call another place home.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“I always knew one day I’d have to leave here to go to college but that seemed so far away. Now my chest ached at the thought of leaving it all behind, of the prospect of never seeing it again.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“I pulled the power back to me until my hands grew hot again. The pain lanced through me but I barely felt it past the anger building inside me. I sent power shooting back through the baby with the force of a lightning strike. That much energy could stop a heart completely but there was nothing to lose now.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Compassion and kindness are powers unto themselves if wielded correctly. Look at these beasts – they will serve no other master now. Yusri al-Hawwash will not be happy to lose two valuable servants along with his cargo.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Roland reached over to take my hand. “You can’t possibly be evil no matter what you are. I think evil is a choice and you choose to be good. In fact, your demon is probably dormant because you are too good for it.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“I remembered his teasing laughter that night at my place and the look in his eyes whenever he was furious with me. We were like two magnets constantly pushing at each other, and as much as he aggravated me, I had grown used to having him around. I could almost hear him saying “I told you so” at the mess I’d landed in this time,”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“My breath caught. I whirled around, and there he was, standing like a vengeful angel between us and the woods.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Our eyes met, and the look in his took my breath away. I’d seen Nikolas angry plenty of times, but that was nothing compared to the unbridled fury I saw in him now. I knew Nikolas the man, but it was the demon warrior who stood before me, and the demon was raging.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“The savage beauty in his face stole my breath as he pulled his blade from the vampire on the ground and pivoted to meet the female’s second attack. Half demon or not, at that moment he was the most glorious thing I had ever seen. The”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Nikolas’s commanding voice rang across the short distance between us and sent tendrils of warmth through my frozen limbs. He was here. He’d asked me to trust him and swore to keep me safe, and he had come for me. No matter what happened now, I knew my trust had not been misplaced, and I felt a small flare of happiness in spite of my dire situation. Eli”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“After this, he’d probably try to lock me in my room forever, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Nate helped him. My lips curved into a small smile. They could try. Oh”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“His face was no longer hidden in shadows, and I found myself gazing into a pair of steel gray eyes that looked at me with such intensity I almost forgot to breathe. Mutely I stared at him while my stomach twisted with a sensation I could not put into words, and I felt a touch against the back of my mind like the flutter of butterfly wings. I experienced the strangest sense of recognition, though I knew I had never seen him before, and deep inside me something stirred like a cat uncurling from a long nap. The”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Those who hunt you will ultimately give you the power to become the thing they fear the most.” I”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“My stomach dropped when I found him sitting alone at the far side of the shop, his eyes so dark they were almost black as they glowered at my date.”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

“Aren’t you going to yell at me or something?” He shrugged without looking up from his sandwich. “Will it make you tell me what you were doing today?” “No.” “Then why don’t we just have a pleasant meal instead?” I”
― Karen Lynch, quote from Relentless

About the author

Karen Lynch
Born place: in Canada
See more on GoodReads

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