Quotes from Deep and Dark and Dangerous (A Ghost Story)

Mary Downing Hahn ·  192 pages

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― Mary Downing Hahn, quote from Deep and Dark and Dangerous (A Ghost Story)

“To everyone who enjoys ghost stories”
― Mary Downing Hahn, quote from Deep and Dark and Dangerous (A Ghost Story)

“Sissy tilted her chair back so far I was sure she’d fall on her head any second. Not that I cared. Maybe she’d leave if she hurt herself.”
― Mary Downing Hahn, quote from Deep and Dark and Dangerous (A Ghost Story)

“Why don’t you and Ali set the table? The forks and knives and spoons are in that drawer.” She pointed to the cabinet by the sink, and Emma began counting out the utensils—four of each.
“There’s only three of us,” I said.
“You forgot Mr. Bear.” Emma sat the teddy in the extra chair and laid a fork, knife, and spoon in front of him. I laughed a little louder than I’d meant to, in relief, I guess, that Mr. Bear was joining us . . . not the ghost from Emma’s dream.”
― Mary Downing Hahn, quote from Deep and Dark and Dangerous (A Ghost Story)

About the author

Mary Downing Hahn
Born place: in Washington D.C., The United States
Born date December 9, 2018
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