Quotes from Pure

Jennifer L. Armentrout ·  329 pages

Rating: (49.9K votes)

“Aw, did you just fall?"
"No." I rolled onto my back, wincing. "I attacked the floor.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Ever since I’ve met you, I’ve wanted to break every rule.” Aiden turned away, the muscles in his neck tensing. He sighed. “You’ll become the centre of someone’s world one day. And he’ll be the luckiest son of a bitch on this earth.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“So...uh, you're a Team Edward kind of guy?'

He snorted. 'No. I'm Team James or Team Tyler's Van, but apparently neither of them won by the look of it. She's still alive.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“You know what?” His breath was warm against my cheek. “There are a lot of stupid things to do, but I really want to do the stupidest thing possible.”

“What’s that?”

“I want to kiss you.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“I guess there were two types of people in the world, those who sat around a fire, staring into the flames, and those who started the fire.
Seth and I started the fire, and then we danced around it.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“No one is like you, Alex."
I grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."
"It is." He nudged me again, and my grin gew into another ludicrous smile- the kind Caleb gave Olivia when they weren't tearing each other's heads off. "You're incredibly intelligent, Alex. Funny and..."
"No, not pretty."
I frowned. "Well, then."
Aiden's laugh sent shivers through me. "I was going to say 'stunning.' You're stunningly beautiful.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“You know what? Lets go." I shot Aiden a defiant look. "Come on Seth. Let's go continue our lovers' quarrel."
"Yes my love, that sounds fantastic. Don't forget to grab a dagger so you can poke my eyeballs out.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“I love your bed." I rolled onto my stomach, smiling.
"I love it so much I'd marry it if I could."

Seth laughed out loud. "You'd marry my bed?"

― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Seth threw me a mischievous grin. “I can’t have Marcus just walking in on us. What if I want to snuggle on these cold New York nights?”
My frown increased. “We don’t snuggle.”
He dropped his arm over my shoulder, and the scent of mint and something wild tickled my nose. “How about we cuddle?”
“We don’t do that either.”
“But you’re my cuddle bunny. My little Apollyon cuddle—” I punched him in the side.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“You know what, you need to stay out of my bedroom. You have your own.”
He smiled. “I know I do. I see it quite often. I just prefer your bed. It smells better.”
I made a face. “It smells better? What does your bed smell like? Regret and bad taste?”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“You'll become the center of someone's world one day. And he'll be the luckiest son of a bitch on this earth.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“On a good day, the animosity levels between us were usually at CODE RED. Bad days they were at CODE I’M GOING TO KILL YOU.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Cold up there, huh?” Yeah, it kind of was. “Stupid down there, huh?” Seth’s brows flew up. “For one in such a precarious position, you sure don’t know how to talk yourself out of it.” “That’s because it’s hard to reason with idiots.” I gave him a cheeky grin. “Why bother?”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“He hadn’t left, and apparently, Seth was a cuddler.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“One of my Instructors at the Covenant has a tattoo of it on his arm.”
His lips pursed. “Minister Telly has one on his arm, too.”
“How in the world do you know that?” We cut across the frost- covered lawn to one of the covered walkways connecting smaller buildings to the main one. “Have you been sneaking into his room and cuddling with him, too?”
“Don’t be jealous. You’re my only cuddle bunny.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“It’s not great. What kind of connection is this? A one-way hotline to Pervyville?” I took a step forward, on a roll now. “It’s disgusting. Freaky—stop laughing, Seth!”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“How in the world did they just jump from politics, to a ball, and now to daimon attacks? And here I’d thought I had the attention span of an ant on Red Bull.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“The little ball went up, then down, then up in his palm. My inner golden retriever couldn’t look away.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“You told me you wanted to marry Seth's bed, and then you told me you'd marry me if I asked. After that, you started to-"

"Enough," I groaned, wanting to crawl under the blankets.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Do you know why a heart lays claim? Survival. That heart lays its claim to ensure survival of its kind.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“I wouldn't give up being a Sentinel for the world. Or being the Apollyon. I rock."
"Wow. You're so humble.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Since when do you care about rules?"
"I'm a changed person."
"When did you change? Just now? 'Cuz I heard about your smack down in the cafeteria yesterday.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“He clapped his hands together, letting out a rather high-pitched squeal before grabbing my hand. “Oh, we are going to have so much fun! Aren’t we? Fun, Alex—we will have fun.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Hmm… I’m having this strange sense of déjà vu, except you were telling me to stay out of your training business, and I told you how weird—” “That’s funny.” Aiden’s full lips twisted into a smirk. “I’m having the same feeling, except I said you should—” “Oh, for the love of baby daimons everywhere, I’m ready to start practice.” I pushed up from the chair.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Okay. You’re the best Apollyon there is.”
He tipped his head to the side and arched a brow. “I’m the only Apollyon there is right now.”
I grinned. “You’re still the best.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“But love, child, love is the root of all that is good, and the root of all things that are evil.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“Oh. Wow.'
He held my hand up between us. 'Look.'
I squinted at my hands. 'I don't see anything.' Sighing, he flipped my hand over, and my jaw hit the ground. A faint blue line marked the center of my palm with a smaller line through it. It would've looked like a cross, except the horizontal line was slanted.
'Oh. My. Gods.' I jerked my hand away, scrambling back. 'I have a rune on my hand. It's an Apollyon rune, isn't it.'
Seth rested his hands on his knees. 'I think so. I have one like that.'
'But why is it still there? Why is it there at all?' I flipped my palm over several times, shook it, but the faint blue tattoo was still there. 'You can see it, right? Like right now, you can see it?'
'Yes. It hasn't faded.' Seth leaned forward, catching my hand. 'Stop shaking it like it's a damn Etch-A-Sketch. That doesn't make them disappear.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“So childish, Alex. You’ve ruined her dress.” The vibrant red silk floated around me as I treaded water. “I know. Bad me.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

“What do you think it means if someone has a tattoo of Thanatos’s symbol?” “Nothing probably, since a lot of us have tattoos of various symbols.” “You don’t.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. His eyes turned from gray to silver in a heartbeat. I imagined he was remembering how I would know if he had a tattoo hidden somewhere.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Pure

About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout
Born place: Martinsburg, The United States
See more on GoodReads

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