Quotes from Freak of Nature

Julia Crane ·  284 pages

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“Never show fear. Move forward. Don’t hesitate; they wont expect it.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“Crying doesn’t hurt. But when you cry, it’s because your heart does.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“The sooner you learn women rule this world, the better off you’ll be.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“A pulse of current invaded Kaitlyn’s brain, and she straightened up in her seat. It wasn’t painful; it was more of an annoyance. Like a slight buzz between her temples. Maybe even a tickle. She found it somewhat interesting that the test never picked up on her body's awareness of Lucas. Obviously, the computers didn’t know everything.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“The sooner you learn women rule this world, the better off you’ll be.” ”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“You shouldn’t let a train track decide if you are good or bad.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“It was amazing that such beauty existed and then there was such ugliness in the world.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“It was amazing that such beauty existed, and yet there was such ugliness in the world.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“If only she hadn’t checked the “donate body to science” option on her driver’s license,”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“I don’t want to be just a weapon,” Kaitlyn said firmly. “I want to be a solution,”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature

“You make my body feel like it’s revving up when I am standing still. I don’t know how to describe it. I wake up looking forward to seeing you and I go to bed thinking of you.”
― Julia Crane, quote from Freak of Nature


About the author

Julia Crane
Born place: in Portsmouth , The United States
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