Quotes from Princess in Waiting

Meg Cabot ·  259 pages

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“French: why does this language even exist? Everyone there speaks english anyway.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

“I realized Michael was right. I mean, I am always writing in this journal. And I do compose a lot of poetry, and write a lot of notes and emails and stuff. I mean, I feel like I am always writing. I do it so much, I never even thought about it as a talent. It's just something I do all the time, like breathing.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

“Hello," Lilly said."Movie. Of your life.You were portrayed as shy and awkward."
"I am shy and awkward," I reminded her.
"They made your grandmother all kindly and sympathetic to your plight," Lilly said."It was the grossest mischaracterization I've seen since Shakespeare in Love tried to pass off the Bard as a hottie with a six-pack and a full set of teeth.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

“But a sweater? I mean,that is so unromantic.It is the kind of thing I would get my dad — if he wasn't so in need of anger-management manuals,which is what I got for him for Christmas.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

“Really,Mia,"she said. "You know I don't like to contradict your grandmother ..."
This was the biggest lie I'd heard since the Prince of Liechtenstein told me I waltzed divinely,but I let it slide,on account of Mom's condition.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

“How do I know Michael hasn't met some other girl?
Some Floridian girl, with long,sun-streaked hair, and a tan,and breasts? Who has access to the Internet and isn't cooped up in a palace with her crazy grandma,a homeless,Speedo-wearing prince and a freakish,hairless miniature poodle?”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Princess in Waiting

About the author

Meg Cabot
Born place: in Bloomington, Indiana, The United States
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