Quotes from A Beautiful Dark

Jocelyn Davies ·  390 pages

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“You don't have a heartbeat," I realized.
"Does that bother you?" He asked.
"No." I thought for a minute. "As long as you can feel things and care about things."
"It's a misconception that you need a heart to love," Asher whispered into my hair.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“When you like someone, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to let them in. Love is messy.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“I've wanted you," he'd murmured, his lips barely touching mine, "for so long.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“Then all of a sudden he'd taken two giant steps towards me, and before I knew it, had taken my face into his hands and the rest of me into the darkness of his wings and we were kissing each other in my little bedroom, in my little house, in my little town, while the mountains soared into the sky.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“No, I mean why are you here? You just happen to be at the same place I am? The girl who believes in coincidence always ends up dead, Devin.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“Please, do you see the apocalypse? Because I'd give up on that happening until you do. And even then, it's negotiable."

"I'm holding out for a hot zombie."

"Yeah, or, like, the hot scientist who finds the cure."

"Or the hot government agent who's assigned to protect you from the international terrorist who plans to wipe out the nation with the world's first zombie virus weapon of mass destruction."

"Because you carry the zombie virus antidote in your blood."


"It's a recessive trait.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“What are you doing here?” I asked. I was breathless, not certain any longer if it was my nearly plummeting to my death or his nearness that was making it so hard to draw in air.

“Protecting you. What does it look like I’m doing?”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“Love. The great destroyer of worlds.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“I...have been in that weird state between dreaming and waking, where dreams could be memories and the real world could be a dream.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“It's a misconception that you need a heart to love”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“Just because I'm biased doesn't mean it's not true.”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark

“Its wrong to think that you need a heart to love”
― Jocelyn Davies, quote from A Beautiful Dark


About the author

Jocelyn Davies
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