Quotes from Mutant Message Down Under

Marlo Morgan ·  224 pages

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“You either have faith or fear, not both. Things, they think, generate fear. The more things you have, the more you have to fear. Eventually you are living your life for things.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Our words, our actions must constantly set the stage for the life we wish to lead.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“The less you take from the land, the less you owe in return.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Everyone has blood and bones; the important one is your intention and your soul.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“The spider's lesson is never to be greedy. It shows that objects of necessity can be objects of beauty and art as well. The spider teaches us that we can be too easily enraptured with ourselves.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“There is no morality in war', they said, 'but cannibals never killed more in one day that they could eat. In your wars, thousands are killed in a few minutes. Perhaps it might be worth suggesting to you leaders that both parties in your war agree to five minutes of combat. Then let all the parents come to the battlefield and collect the pieces and parts of their children, take them home and mourn and bury them. After that is over, another five minutes of battle might or might not be agreed upon. It is difficult to make sense out of senselessness.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Tanrım bana değiştiremeyeceğim şeyleri kabul etme gücü, değiştirebileceğim şeyleri değiştirme cesareti ve bu ikisi arasındaki farkı anlayabilme sağduyusu ver”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“In Australien ist man der amerikanischen Zeit um siebzehn Stunden voraus. Man fliegt also buchstäblich in den nächsten Tag hinein. Während des Fluges erinnerte ich mich daran, daß wir sicher sein konnten, daß es die Welt am nächsten Tag noch geben und alles in Ordnung sein würde! Auf dem Kontinent, der vor uns lag, war es schon »morgen«.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Ako povrediš nekog drugog,povredio si sebe.
Ako pomogneš drugome,pomažeš sebi.
Krv i kost nalaze se u svim ljudima.
Razlikujemo se po srcu i nameri.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Tek kad sasječete posljednje drvo, tek kad zatrujete posljednju rijeku, tek kad upecate posljednju ribu, tek tada ćete saznati da se novac ne može jesti."
Proročanstvo Cree Indijanaca”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“I also did something that seems to come naturally to females, although I am sure we are not taught to do it; I placed my underwear in the middle of the stack of clothing.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Regal Black Swan told me that in this world of personalities, there is always a duality. I had interpreted it as good versus bad, slavery or freedom, conformity and its opposite. But that is not the case. It is not black or white; it is always shades of gray. And most important, all the gray is moving in a progressive pattern back to the originator. I teased about our age and told him I needed another fifty years just for comprehension.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“In Australien ist man der amerikanischen Zeit um siebzehn Stunden voraus. Man fliegt also buchsnächstäblich in den nächsten Tag hinein. Während des Fluges erinnerte ich mich daran, daß wir sicher sein konnten, daß es die Welt am nächsten Tag noch geben und alles in Ordnung sein würde! Auf dem Kontinent, der vor uns lag, war es schon >morgen<.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Çember kapanmıştı. Olaya bundan fazla çaba, zaman ve tasa harcamaya gerek yoktu.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Yenilikler ancak onlar için yer açtığımız zaman yaşantımıza girebilirler.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Ellos (Los Auténticos) creen que los objetos generan miedo. Cuantas más cosas tienes más tienes que temer. Al final sólo vives para tener cosas.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“I now know we each have two lives: the one we learn by and the one we live after that. The”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Tal vez el futuro del mundo se halle en mejores manos si nos olvidamos de descubrir cosas nuevas y nos concentramos en recuperar nuestro pasado.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Durante nuestro viaje se realizaron dos celebraciones para honrar el talento de sendas personas. Todos los miembros de la tribu reciben este reconocimiento mediante una fiesta especial, pero no tiene nada que ver con la edad ni los cumpleaños; con ella se reconoce el carácter único de ese talento y su contribución a la vida. Según sus creencias, el paso del tiempo cumple el propósito de permitir que las personas se vuelvan mejores, que expresen más y mejor su propio ser. Así pues, si eres mejor persona este año que el anterior, y sólo tu lo sabes con seguridad, debes ser tu quien convoque la fiesta. Cuando tú dices que estás preparado, todos lo aceptan.”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

“Literalmente nos habían despojado de todo cuanto llevábamos excepto de los trapos con que nos cubríamos el cuerpo. Los pequeños regalos recibidos, que me hubiera llevado a los Estados Unidos y legado a mis nietos, habían sido destruidos. Tenía ante mi una elección: reaccionar con lamentaciones o con resignación. ¿Era un intercambio justo, mis únicas posesiones materiales a cambio de una lección inmediata sobre el desapego? Me dijeron que probablemente me hubieran permitido conservar los recuerdos barridos por el agua pero que, por la energía de la Divina Unidad, al parecer seguía otorgándoles demasiada importancia. ¿Había aprendido por fin a valorar la experiencia y no el objeto?”
― Marlo Morgan, quote from Mutant Message Down Under

About the author

Marlo Morgan
Born place: in Fort Madison, Iowa, The United States
Born date September 29, 1937
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