Quotes from Midnight Awakening

Lara Adrian ·  369 pages

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“I wasn’t prepared for you, Elise. Holy hell…not even close.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Everything good in there, T? Niko quipped. You need backup or anything? Bag of marshmallows to roast over that little campfire you just started?”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Someone remind me why I didn’t want to be an accountant when I grew up,” Brock drawled.
Niko chuckled. “Because accountants don’t get to make things go boom.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“I’ll admit it to you now, and to anyone, anytime. I need you, Elise. I love you. You are mine. My woman, my mate, my beloved. My everything.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“By the blasé flatness of Tegan’s expression as he approached, he might as well have just come back from taking a piss.
“Everything good in there, T?” Niko quipped. “You need back up or anything? Bag of marshmallows to roast over that little campfire you just started?”
“It’s handled.”
“No shit”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Rolling orange fire silhouetted him from behind, backlighting the warrior’s broad shoulders and casual, long-legged stride. As he strolled away from the inferno, the ends of his loose black coat winged out behind him like a cape befitting the prince of darkness himself.
“Holy hell,” Brock murmured. “Tegan.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Do I look like I need a fucking group hug?”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“From the beginning, Tegan, you were more brother to me than any kin by blood. You still are.”
Tegan felt likewise, in spite of all they’d been through. Maybe because of it. “I’ll always have your back, Lucan. You can count on it.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Doing some late-night home improvements, my man? (...) For what it's worth, I never had any use for that froufrou French shit, either." - Tegan”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Do I love you? Yeah, God help you, but I do”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“He was the ghost you never saw coming, death breathing down your neck before you even realized you were in the crosshairs.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“I'm honored to assist", Reichen told Lucan and Tegan as the three men loaded the last of the bags and weaponry. "I've often wondered what it might be like to stand among the Order as one of your own."

"Be careful what you wish for", Lucan drawled. "Depending how things go, theres a good chance we could end up knighting you on the field.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Look at me Elise. Tell me what you think I’m feeling,” he murmured, then bent his head to hers and pressed his mouth to her parted lips.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“I’m ready when you are, Lucan.”
“Okay,” he said, shaking his head in defeat. “Let’s go get our boy.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Yeah?” he said, looking down into her hungry gaze. “You want to drink from me as I make you come?” She nodded weakly and gave him another small bite in reply. “You got it, sweetheart. But not the wrist this time.” Holding her against him, he rolled onto his back and brought her up astride him. “I want to feel you at my neck, Elise. I want to hold you while you drink from me. I want to feel you bite into me.” Touching her, he felt her uncertainty. “I’ve never done it that way before.” “Good,” he said, entirely too pleased to hear it. “I’ve never asked anyone to do it that way before. So, will you, Elise?” She frowned, but her eyes were rooted on his throat. “I don’t want to hurt you…” He chuckled, adoring her all the more for her concern. “Come here,” he said, wrapping his hand around her nape and guiding her down to the exposed column of his neck. “Sink your teeth into me, Elise. Take your fill.” She”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

“Do I love you? Yeah, God help you, but I do.”
― Lara Adrian, quote from Midnight Awakening

About the author

Lara Adrian
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