Quotes from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

Livia E. Bitton-Jackson ·  234 pages

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“My hope is that learning about past evils will help us to avoid them in the future.”
― Livia E. Bitton-Jackson, quote from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

“My stories are of gas chambers, shootings, electrified fences, torture, scorching sun, mental abuse, and constant threat of death.
But they are also stories of faith, hope, triumph, and love. They are stories of perseverance, loyalty, courage in the face of overwhelming odds, and of never giving up!”
― Livia E. Bitton-Jackson, quote from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

“What is death all about? What is life all about?”
― Livia E. Bitton-Jackson, quote from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

“Reading my personal accountI believe you feel-you-will know that the Holocaust was neither a legend nor Hollywood fiction but a lesson for the future! ”
― Livia E. Bitton-Jackson, quote from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

“Goldene Haar!'' he exclaims and takes one of my long braids into his hand. I am not certain I heard right. Did he say ''golden hair'' about my braids?
Are you Jewish? The question startles me. ''Yes, I am Jewish.'' How old are you?
I am thirteen.'' ''You are tall for your age. Is this your mother?'' He touches Mommy lightly on the shoulder. ''You go with your mother.”
― Livia E. Bitton-Jackson, quote from I Have Lived a Thousand Years

About the author

Livia E. Bitton-Jackson
Born place: in Samorin, Slovakia
Born date February 28, 1931
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