Quotes from Hidden Gates

D.T. Dyllin ·  299 pages

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“I need this. I need you. I can't imagine my life without you.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“People often ask what the meaning of life is. What's the point in all of this? As far as I can tell, life is pretty much pointless without love.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Bryn chuckled low in his chest. “I swear I’ve had dreams about you that began like this.”
I stopped kissing him and raised my eyebrows. “Oh yeah, and how’d those dreams end up?”
He chuckled again, tugging at my robe. “I’m a guy, how do you think they ended up?”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“I rolled my eyes at Jeremy. Guys and their egos are completely insufferable. "What do you want me to say Jeremy? You're hot, and you're a good kisser. But I'm in love with Bryn. End of story."
A smile spread across his face, the gold flecks in his eyes dancing. "So I'm still in the game."
I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. "This isn't a game-it's my life!”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“I love you, Peej. More than I can even begin to explain.” His voice was so low and husky it seemed to brush things on my insides, making me shudder in turn.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“What do you want?” I grumbled, not really sure if I was imagining his voice or not.
“I’m not a figment of your imagination.”
“Then how did you know what I was thinking if you’re not all in my mind? Besides, that’s just what a figment would say.” I scrunched up my face in a display of my skepticism”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Damn Speakers! I always forget about her sneaky little spies. The image of a little voyeur squirrel hanging around outside my window and then running to Jenna to report any indiscretions on my part was absolutely horrifying.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Hey!” I exclaimed, seeing Khol standing beside my bed with my pillow in his hands. His tall frame seemed to take up more room in the light of day, and his dark auburn hair looked like fire in the morning sun. His mere physical presence in the same room as me still caused my body to shiver with excitement. Damn . . . not good.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“You’re absolutely insane, you know that, right?”
“Insanely smart.” Jenna giggled as she absentmindedly worked some of her rainbow hair into a curl with her fingertips.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Focus, my little Seer, you have time to contemplate my good looks at another time,” Khol said with amusement.
“I’m not doing anything of the sort. You’re not a mind reader, so stop pretending to be,” I snapped as my cheeks heated. I was beginning to wonder if he really was able to read my mind and just wasn’t telling me.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“I like you,” he rumbled. His voice was low and husky, and it sounded as if he hadn’t spoken in awhile.
Unable to stop myself, the words just spilled from my lips. “And I should care because?”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“For God’s sake, girl, there are more important things on our plates than your sex life.” Like mine, I silently added sheepishly.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“I can’t let you die!” I sobbed.
“It’ll be like I’m dead anyways without you. Since I left, that’s what it’s felt like—like some part of me died because I couldn’t be with you, couldn’t see you. I’d rather die knowing it was for your freedom.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“And then I did something really stupid: I reached back and smacked him across the face with as much strength as I was capable of, which wasn’t much, but enough to leave a red mark. The sound of my hand hitting his face seemed to echo inside the large room. “I’m not entirely human either,” I hissed without flinching away from him.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Bryn,” I murmured, twisting around to see his sleeping face steeped in the brightness of the day. I stroked my fingers down his cheek and ran my hands through his silky mane of black hair. I must be dead, I mused, for certainly waking up in Bryn’s arms is heaven.”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Somehow I got lucky, and you love me back. I'll fight for you as long as you want me”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

“Because your mine." I snuggled in tighter to his muscular chest. "And I don't want the Jennas of the world to get a good look at what they've been missing and steal you away." I inhaled deeply, letting Bryn's scent surround me in comfort - home. As I began drifting off to sleep, I heard Bryn whisper something that id never forget. "There's never any danger of that. I'm yours. Always”
― D.T. Dyllin, quote from Hidden Gates

About the author

D.T. Dyllin
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