Quotes from Goddess Interrupted

Aimee Carter ·  305 pages

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“It is supposed to be the truth." He stared at me and my breath caught in my throat. "If I were a better man, I would be able to show you the love and affection you deserve. As I am not, I can only offer you what I'm capable of giving. But I assure you, just because I do not show it, doesn't mean I do not feel it.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“It hurts being the one who loves more”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“You can say you love me all you want, but if you only ever act like the opposite's true, then I can't trust your words anymore.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Persephone told me that you said it wasn't as good as you expected it. When she kissed you, I mean."
Something flickered behind his eyes, but it was gone so fast that I couldn't tell what it was.
"No, it was not. I find little joy in showing affection to somebody who does not return it."
"Yeah, me too." I covered his hand with mine and pressed my lips against his palm. "It hurts being the one who loves more.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“She's proud of you. She said so herself. And she knows you deserved a chance to be happy. I know that, too" I added. "I just wish Henry could look at me the way he looks at you."
Persephone wrapped her fingers around mine. "You should be glad he doesn't. When he looks at me, he hurts. But when he sees you..." She smiled faintly "He has hope. I'm not surprised you don't notice it. It took me a while to read him, too. I spent thousands of years with him though, and I know that look. I saw it the day we got married. You don't forget the first time someone looks at you like that.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“You don’t need to spend every waking moment protecting me now. I’m supposed to be your partner, not your burden, and if that’s all I’m ever going to be to
you, then I don’t want to be here anymore. I want you to love me. I want to look forward to coming here every fall. I want winter to be my favorite season because
I get to spend it with you. So tell me that’s going to happen, Henry. Tell me things are going to be better, that you’re not going to think of Persephone every time
you touch me. Tell me that you’re going to love me as much as you love her, and that I won’t spend the rest of eternity paling in comparison to your memories of
my sister.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Being with Henry doesn't mean you have to give up who you are. Henry doesn't define you.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Being brave doesn't mean never being afraid, you know. It means going for it anyway because you know it's the right thing to do.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“When I wake up and the first thing I see is his face, I know it's going to be a great day.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“You never had to fight for me to begin with. I am yours and have been from the moment I saw you”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Calliope grabbed the loose end of his fog-infused chains and whipped it across his face. I gasped and struggled against her, but she held on to me with inhuman strength.
A bright red pattern blossomed across Henry’s cheek, and at last he shook his head and came to. He touched his face and winced, and I exhaled. He was in there after all.
Instead of looking at me, however, his gaze focused on something behind me, and his jaw went slack. “Persephone?”
I would have rather been sliced open by Cronus than experience the gut-wrenching pain that came with hearing her name before mine.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“I almost forgot how gorgeous Adonis is," she [Ava] said, "We should have made him one of us."

She [Ava] wouldn't have gotten any argument out of me, but a strange sound escaped from James, almost like he was growling. "And have to endure another narcissistic blond running around? No, thank you.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“He’s only with me because I’m your sister,” I said hotly.
“Diana—Demeter, she’s my mother. She decided to have me in a last-ditch effort to save Henry because she felt so damn guilty for what you did to him, and she didn’t want to be responsible for him fading. He married me because he couldn’t have you, and I was the next best thing. Thanks for rubbing my nose in it.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

Henry’s voice was barely louder than a whisper, but even in the buzz of the foyer, it cut through me. He stood in the hallway, his arms covered in blood and his clothing torn, but like he’d done in the cave, he stared past me and focused on Persephone instead. It was as if none of the past few weeks had happened. As if none of the past thousand years had happened.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“If it's healed, then why does it still hurt?" I said, panicked.

What if the pain never went away? How was I supposed to live with that? Had Henry experienced the same thing in his chest? How could he have possibly fought of that thing again if he had?

"Because there is no power in the world that can take away the pain until it is ready to leave." said Theo”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“A silhouette stepped toward us, and another wave of pure power ripped through the throne room. 'I'm only going to warn you once, Cronus,' said a voice, dark and dangerous. 'Get the hell away from my wife.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Am I doing the right thing, then?' I said. 'Fighting for you.'
He circled his arms around my waist, and he was so close that I could feel his breath against my cheek. 'No,' he said, and the word made my stomach contract. But before I could panic, he continued, his voice smooth and meant only for me. 'You never had to fight for me to begin with. I am yours and have been from the moment I saw you.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“I don't want to be the person who tries to force you to feel something you don't.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Because there is no power in the world that can take away the pain until it is ready to leave.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“A silhouette stepped toward us, and another wave of pure power ripped through the throne room. "I'm only going to warn you once, Cronus," said a voice, dark and dangerous. "Get the hell away from my wife.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“It doesn't matter," said Persephone. "He [Henry] wasn't supposed to do that. While I ruled with him, we only made a few exceptions, and even then there were so many caveats that no one ever really made it back to the surface. He violated everything he's stood for since the dawn of humanity to save your life.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“But while the surface has the sun, I would much rather be down here with you.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“—No importa —dijo Perséfone—. Él no tenía que hacerlo. Mientras goberné con él sólo hicimos unas pocas excepciones, e incluso entonces había tantas advertencias que en realidad nadie llegaba de nuevo a la superficie. Violó todo lo que lo representaba desde el amanecer de la humanidad para salvar tu vida.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Would you please hush and let me kiss you?"
Laughing, I pulled him back down towards me. "I'm all yours.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“—No te estoy dejando por él. No te estoy dejando por nadie, y jamás me habré ido buscando algo mejor. Tú eres mi algo mejor, y desearía, que yo fuese el tuyo también.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“I promise you that I want to do this more than anything else in the world," he said, pressing his lips to the corner of my mouth." I have wanted to since you first returned, but I thought giving you time would be prudent."
"And here I was, thinking you would have rather slept in a pool of lava than with me," I joked, but it wasn't enti false. I gave him a quick kiss in return. "We need to work on this whole talking to each other thing. We'd get a lot more done if we did."
"Yes, we would" he said before capturing my lips once more.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“-No necesitas gastar cada momento del día protegiéndome ahora. Se supone que debo ser tu compañera, no tu carga, y si eso es todo lo que voy a ser para ti, entonces no quiero estar aquí nunca más. Quiero que me ames. Quiero ansiar venir aquí cada otoño. Quiero que el invierno sea mi estación favorita porque puedo pasarla contigo. Así que dime si eso va a suceder, Henry. Dime que las cosas van a mejorar, que no vas a pensar en Perséfone cada vez que me toques. Dime que vas a amarme tanto como la amas a ella, y que no voy a pasar el resto de mi eternidad estancada en la comparaciónde los recuerdos de mi hermana.-
-Por favor,-le susurré.-Te lo ruego. Si tú no lo haces...Si tú no lo haces, me voy a ir. Y no quiero decir solo por el verano. Voy a dejar el Inframundo, y no voy a volver.-”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“freesia, and hugged her tightly in return. I’d missed”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“- No puedo seguir con esto.

'' El auto odio se apoderó de mí yo lo iba a abandonar. Antes de que hubiéramos tenido una oportunidad yo estaba declarando todo terminado''.

'' No. Era él que se había dado por vencido. Él era el que lo había declarado en el momento en el que se negó a tocarme o tratarme. Él fue el que nos había perdido en alguna parte; yo sólo estaba renunciando a la búsqueda también. No había nada que pudiera hacer no había palabras mágicas que pudiera decir para arreglar todo si él ya nos había abandonado''.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

“Incluso sin tratarlo, Perséfone contaminó cada faceta de mi vida y cada persona a la que amaba. Como una hermana más joven, cuyas únicas cosas eran heredadas, todo lo que tenia olía a ella, y nada alguna vez iba a hacer que el olor desapareciera.”
― Aimee Carter, quote from Goddess Interrupted

About the author

Aimee Carter
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