Quotes from Fifteen

Beverly Cleary ·  208 pages

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“She means well, but she always manages to do the wrong thing. She has a real talent for it.”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“The humiliation that Jane had felt turned to something else--grief perhaps, or regret. Regret that she had not known how to act with a boy, regret that she had not been wiser.”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“That was the trouble with this house. A girl couldn't even carry on a telephone conversation with any privacy”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“Once more Jane sat staring at the telephone. This time she was filled with a confidence that was new to her. Stan Crandall. Stanley Crandall. He liked her! He had seen her once, and even though had been rumpled and grass-stained and having a terrible time with Sandra, he liked her well enough to go to the trouble of finding out her name and calling to ask her to go to the movies. Jane smiled at the telephone and gave a sigh of happiness”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“She was surprised to feel his hand on her arm and still more surprised-almost unbelieving-to see his fingers unclasp his identification bracelet and remove it from his arm. Silently he fumbled with the bracelet and slipped it around her right wrist. with a tiny click he snapped the clasp shut. Jane gave a gasp of astonishment and turned questioning to Stan. She was wearing his identification bracelet! The silver links on her wrist were still warm from his arm”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“He would be atleast sixteen-old enough to have a driver's licence- and he would have crinkles around his eyes that showed he had a sense of humor and he would be tall, the kind of boy all the other girls would like to date”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“If they had been riding in a car, she would have waited for him to go around and open the door for her, but riding in a truck is different”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“Well, she thought, I'm certainly bright. She had wanted to meet a new boy and when she finally did meet one she didn't even find out his name”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“Oh well, thought Jane, that's how men are. He's probably taking it for granted. She found it very pleasant to be taken for granted by Stan”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

“I know this is probably sort of sudden." The boy hesitated. "But I was wodnering if you would care to go to the movies with me tomorrow night.”
― Beverly Cleary, quote from Fifteen

About the author

Beverly Cleary
Born place: in McMinnville, Oregon, The United States
Born date April 12, 1916
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