Quotes from Father Mine

J.R. Ward ·  91 pages

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“Hey, what are you doing, little one? You want more? You are just too much . . . you . . . oh, no . . . not the quivering lip . . . oh, no.” Nalla let out a giggle.
“Outrageous! You want more, and you know you’re going to get what you want because of The Lip. Jeez, you’ve got your father wrapped around your little finger, don’t you.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“...he knew on some level he changed the course of his life. And you could do that, couldn't you, he thought as he put the RAZR back in his pocket. you could choose some paths and not others. Not always, of course. At times destiny just drove you to a destination and dropped your ass off and that was that. But on occasion you were able to pick the address. And if you had half a brain, no matter how hard it was or how wierd it felt, you went into the house.
And found yourself.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Sometimes IVs and pills weren’t always the best course of treatment for the injured. Sometimes all you needed was the touch of the one you loved and the sound of their voice and the knowledge that you were home, and that was enough to drag you back from
the brink.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“After a while Mary said, “Zsadist?”


“What are those markings?”

His frowned and flicked his eyes over to her, thinking, as if she didn’t know? But then . . . well, she had been a human. Maybe she didn’t. “They’re slave bands. I was . . . a slave.”

“Did it hurt when they were put on you?”


“Did the same person who cut your face give them to you?”

“No, my owner’s hellren did that. My owner . . . she put the bands on me. He was the one who cut my face.”

“How long were you a slave?”

“A hundred years.”

“How did you get free?”

“Phury. Phury got me out. That’s how he lost his leg.”

“Were you hurt while you were a slave?”

Z swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“Do you still think about it?”

“Yes.” He looked down at his hands, which suddenly were in pain for some reason. Oh, right. He’d made two
fists and was squeezing them so tightly his fingers were about to snap off at the knuckles.

“Does slavery still happen?”

“No. Wrath outlawed it. As a mating gift to me and Bella.”

“What kind of slave were you?”

Zsadist shut his eyes. Ah, yes, the question he didn’t want to answer. For a while it was all he could do to force himself to stay in the chair. But then, in a falsely level voice, he said,
“I was a blood slave. I was used by a female for blood.”

The quiet after he spoke bore down on him, a tangible weight.

“Zsadist? Can I put my hand on your back?”

His head did something that was evidently a nod, because Mary’s gentle palm came down lightly on his
shoulder blade. She moved it in a slow, easy circle.

“Those are the right answers,” she said. “All of them.”

He had to blink fast as the fire in the furnace’s window became blurry. “You think?” he said hoarsely.

“No. I know.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Sorry to bother you,” Bella said over the wailing. “But she wants her daddy.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“You’re like your mahmen,” he whispered. “You make the world go away for me”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Are you all right?”
“Leg’s shot”
“How shot?”
“Well, I’m looking at the heel of my shitkicker and the front of my knee at the same time. And there’s a high probability I’m going to throw up.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“You are just as beautiful as the first time I saw you … You stopped my heart then – just froze it in my chest. And you stop it now.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“I’m so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Can’t live without you.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Nalla blinked and waved his finger and transformed him: Everything stopped as she moved not just his hand, but his heart.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Scars, though, left wounds on the inside of you, and as with skin that didn't heal right, you still felt the rough spots from time to time.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“You could choose some paths and not others. Not always, of course. At times destiny just drove you to a destination and dropped your ass off and that was that. But on occasion you were able to pick the address. And if you had half a brain, no matter how hard it was or how weird it felt, you went into the house. And found yourself.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Could the past be like this, he wondered, looking around at the empty clearing. A structure in your mind that you could burn down and get free of.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine

“Could the past be like this, he wondered, looking around at the empty clearing. A structure in your mind that you could burn down and get free of? He moved his foot back and forth over the forest floor. The weeds that had poked up through the skin of the earth were like green whiskers, and they were concentrated in the area that got the most sunlight. From the ashes came new life. Z”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Father Mine


About the author

J.R. Ward
Born place: The United States
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