Quotes from Exit to Eden

336 pages

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“What does all this mean finally, I kept asking like a college kid. Why does it make me want to cry? Maybe it’s that we are all outsiders, we are all making our own unusual way through a wilderness of
normality that is just a myth.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“Elegance is really a kind of control.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“You only hurt people when you tell them the truth about things that they cannot respect or understand”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“Each of us has within him a dark chamber where the real desire flowers; and the horror of it is that they never see the light of another's understanding, those strange blooms. It is as lonely as it is dark, that chambers of the heart.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“I have this theory actually, that after an absence you discover in that first glimpse what you really think and feel about another person. You know things you couldn't know before”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“I have this theory that actually, after an absence you discover in that first glimpse what you really think and feel about another person. You know things you couldn't know before.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“She was standing there all right. And I was in love with her. So much for the first glimpse.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“It's that nobody has ever been able to convince me that anything sexual between consenting individuals is wrong. I mean it's like part of my brain is missing. Nothing disgusts me. It all seems innocent, to do with profound sensations, and when people tell me they are offended by things, I just don't know what they mean.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“You have the thing all men and women strive for: the lover from whom you do not have to hide anything.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“El cabello me caía sobre los hombros desnudos como un manto protector. Tenía los pezones duros, y me pregunté si ese extraño, ese conocedor de los entresijos del mundo sexual secreto, había notado que mi entrepierna estaba húmeda.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“Y el largo vuelo de regreso a casa, los alumnos en el campus, los jóvenes de mirada vidriosa, destruidos por las drogas y las ideas, que ni siquiera se fijaban en las muchachas altas y bronceadas cuyos pechos se transparentaban bajo las finas camisetas de algodón y hablaban de marihuana, sexo, revolución, los derechos de las mujeres en el mayor laboratorio social del mundo.”
― quote from Exit to Eden

“Everything is coming to an end, I thought. But what does that mean? Why do I say things to myself when I don't even know what they mean?”
― quote from Exit to Eden

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