Quotes from Enders

Lissa Price ·  288 pages

Rating: (9.8K votes)

“Beauty isn’t about meeting some holo-star standard, it’s about being you. Because looks come and go. But nobody else can be you.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“eventually we’ll be old and wrinkled. Like everybody. But we’ll look a lot better if we’re happy inside. If we used our brains and our talents instead of stressing over what someone else defines as ‘pretty.’ ”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“What defines me? Skin? I hope I'm more than that. Than this. That I am what I think, what I believe. What I feel.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“You wouldn't want to be me, Callie. Can you imagine hating your own body? I'm a prisoner inside it.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“It’s encrypted,” Hyden said. “I’m not surprised. Your father wasn’t stupid.” “So can’t you uncrypt it?” Michael asked. “Decrypt. It’s not a coffin,” Hyden said as he plucked at the screen.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“Cosa mi definisce? La mia pelle? Tu sai che si può cambiare con una passata di laser. I muscoli? Si possono costruire
con l’esercizio o con la stimolazione
elettrica. Il grasso? Può scomparire
con i trattamenti criogenici. Io spero
di essere più di tutto questo. Spero di
essere quello che penso,quello che
credo. Quello che provo.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“looks come and go. But nobody else can be you.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“The me inside this shell is still me. What defines me? Skin? You know you can change that with the wave of a laser. Muscle? EMS can build that. Fat? It can fade away with freezing. I hope I'm more than that. Than this. That I am what I think, what I believe. What I feel.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

“Ik dacht dat jullie Britten alleen maar thee drunken.”
― Lissa Price, quote from Enders

About the author

Lissa Price
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