Quotes from Dying to Forget

Trish Marie Dawson ·  179 pages

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“For girls, chocolate fixes almost everything.”
― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

“So, there is one thing I wanted to ask you..." he smiles and laughs a little "...what gave you the idea to use yourself as a fire alarm to wake you assignment? Because that, my dear, was brilliant.
― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

“Come on Piper, it’s just one drink. Tomorrow’s your birthday, after all.”
― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

“So, there is one thing I wanted to ask you..." he smiles and laughs a little "...what gave you the idea to use yourself as a fire alarm to wake you assignment? Barbecue that, my dear, was brilliant.
― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

“Sometimes things go wrong. You need to accept that. You need to know that you will be okay. You’re amazing and you can have an amazing life if you choose to live it.”
― Trish Marie Dawson, quote from Dying to Forget

About the author

Trish Marie Dawson
Born place: San Diego, The United States
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