Quotes from Dead of Night

Jonathan Maberry ·  368 pages

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“She looked like a character from a video game. One of those improbably busty, impossibly well-armed superchicks who could do acrobatics and hit the kill zone even while firing guns from both hands during a cartwheel.

"You look fucking ridiculous," she told herself.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“His specialty was interrogation. Imagine it, gentlemen. Being strapped to a table so that you are entirely at the mercy of a monster such as this. A person who delights in your pain. A person to whom your screams are more delicious than a lover's whisper. A creature who knows how to keep you alive while he skillfully and meticulously deconstructs those things that define you as human?”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Reporters trade in pain. It sells papers. Everyone knows that.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Yippie ki-yay and all that shit"

- Desdemona Fox”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“She knew a couple of writers. They were always broke.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure with evil.

― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Goat made no move to get out. "Billy...this is nuts."

"Yeah, well we left 'sane and normal' behind the first time Volker said 'zombie”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“And that made him wonder if a person who is forced into bad situations over and over again when they’re too weak or helpless to do anything about it will eventually make bad choices of their own simply because they’ve become habituated to them.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“The economy blows, or don't you read the papers?"

"Who reads the fucking papers? News is free on the internet.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“She agreed with Mark Twain that golf was a “good walk spoiled.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Who’d play her in the movie?” “The shark from Jaws,” muttered Trout.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“watch Die Hard films until the day started making sense again.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Dez, on the other hand, was pure backcountry Pennsylvania; a blue-eyed blonde who could have been a model for fitness equipment if not for what JT personally viewed as an overactive redneck gene.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“This wasn’t about who liked who; this was a human being who did not deserve what happened to him.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Every writer he ever met was a drunk,”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“But the colonel said and did nothing as the seconds splintered off the clock and fell like debris on the floor.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“It's cloaked in cultural mumbo jumbo, but I assure you that it is very hard science.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“When he heard politicians use the phrase “in the best interests of the American people” he knew that it was always a profit-based decision.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

“Yippie ki-yay and all that shit.”
― Jonathan Maberry, quote from Dead of Night

About the author

Jonathan Maberry
Born place: in Philadelphia
See more on GoodReads

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