Quotes from Destiny Binds

Tammy Blackwell ·  232 pages

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“The whole thing made me a little wrist-slitty.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“Did you wake up on the stupid side of the bed this morning?”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“School sucks. I'm dropping out and becoming a truck stop waitress. I think i'll change my name to Flo and get a really bad perm. Flo the truck stop waitress with a bad perm doesn't need high school. She lives off the knowledge of life.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“She stretched out her arm and locked her little finger around mine to signify the most solemn vow a six year old could make. 'I won't tell anyone. Pinky-promise.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“The 'sitch'? Did you watch that Kim Possible movie again? You know it only makes you sad that you don't have a naked mole-rat of your very own.'

'One, I've been watching Buffy, not Kim Possible. And two, it is so not fair that Dad won't let me get a Rufus when he lets Angel keep that stupid turtle.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“Why did you come back here, then? Why risk it? Couldn’t you find a place where you wouldn’t have any other Packs to deal with?”
He cupped my face in his hands, his thumb gently brushing a snowflake from my eyelashes.
“You know why I came back.”
My heart started beating against my ribcage as if it was trying to break free. “The fried chicken they serve at The Farmhouse?”
“I came back for you, Scout.”
I had to say something. Something clever. Something dazzling. Something to make this moment perfect.
“I hope the snow sticks.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“Vampires? You think vampires are real? Seriously?"
"The werewolf is asking me if I believe in vampires?”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“nothing feels quite so good as pouring salt in an open wound.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“There's an old adage about everything looking better in the morning light. I'm guessing that whoever thought of that had never been punched in the face.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“He scowled at the world in general, and me in particular.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“What Alex and I shared was preternaturally right. I couldn't give him up no more than I could give up breathing. Did that mean that I loved Charlie any less? No. It just meant I couldn't be with him.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“John Davis smells like Play-Doh. When we were in elementary school, it wasn’t a big deal. I mean, we were kids. Play-Doh was pretty high on the awesome scale. But there comes a time when a guy should stop smelling like crafting supplies and develop a more manly scent, like campfire or gym floor.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“The first thing I noticed as we exited the theater was how much colder it was than when we arrived. The second thing I noticed was how slick the sidewalk was. I didn’t notice that it was snowing until I was sprawled on the pavement.
“Scout! Are you okay?” Alex’s face loomed above me.
“I think I broke my butt.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“It would be like The Rock versus Seth Green. Now, tell me who he is”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“Ground Control to Major Spazz. Can you hear me, Major Spazz?”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“I supposed that if I had a third eye in the middle of my forehead she would want one of those too. “You don’t want a fake orange tan, Munchkin.”
“Yes, I do,” she insisted. “It’s pretty.”
Alex was amused. “Oh, I think so too. Very pretty and informative. I have always wondered what the female Oompa-Loompas looked like.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

“Wolfsbane? Seriously? Leave it to Charlie.”
― Tammy Blackwell, quote from Destiny Binds

About the author

Tammy Blackwell
Born place: in The United States
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