Quotes from Deep Blue Eternity

Natasha Boyd ·  356 pages

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“And that’s how I thought of love. Blue and infinite, clear but deep, where no man could truly reach. A deep blue eternity.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Deep Blue Eternity

“He already made up the largest part of my universe; why not make him the center?”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Deep Blue Eternity

“All lies were black and destructive. A white lie was truly the blackest of all.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Deep Blue Eternity

“was achingly hollow inside, her words dropping like copper pennies down an empty well.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Deep Blue Eternity

“Some people may say he’s autistic,” I said. “Others may say he’s an angel,” Liv said. I nodded. “That too.”  ”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Deep Blue Eternity


About the author

Natasha Boyd
Born date October 29, 2018
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