Quotes from Minutes Before Sunset

Shannon A. Thompson ·  294 pages

Rating: (550 votes)

“I was falling in love with her, and she was falling in love with me. It was fated, decided before any of us were born, and I hated it as much as I loved it. I could barely stand it. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“One moment of true happiness was worth all the moments of pain. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“But this girl—She reminded me of what it was like to believe in something. Her hope was naïve, but it was real, and I hadn’t felt something real in years. Nothing positive anyways. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Fate was a reality, but it wasn’t a beautiful or angelic thing. It was a heart-wrenching nightmare. And we’d fallen blindly into it. We had no escape. It was happening, and it was up to me to guarantee our survival of it. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I wasn’t sure what was worse: being oblivious or living within reality. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Don’t trust anybody else—no matter how close you are to them.” (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I wanted to protect her, and, if I couldn’t do that, I’d at least be there for her. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“His resonating stare fluttered through my memory, and I shivered. I hadn’t seen kindness in his pupils. I only saw intensity, and, I hated to admit it, but he was beyond intimidating. He was overwhelming. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“My insanity begged for a distraction. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Luthicer hummed. "You're either brave or very foolish."
"What's the difference?" (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I’d prefer you accuse my son, so he can defend his innocence rather than prolong unnecessary guilt." (Spoken by Bracke, told by Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“...it’s my job to lead you to success, and, if you fail, it’s because I failed, not you.’” (Spoken by Bracke, told by Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I wasn’t in the mood for a fight, but fights weren’t always conveniently scheduled. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“When everything was right, something was bound to go wrong. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Identity was everything, but it seemed I never had one. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Everything seemed so unreal—so supernatural—and I had to remind myself that is was. We weren’t human. We never were. (Jessica)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Those are the bad guys, right?”
“Depends on who wins, I guess.”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I’m assuming you have a reason behind this irrational need to conform to this institution." (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Just because I wasn’t human, didn’t mean I could discount human life. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I didn’t even have a name for her, shade or human, but I didn’t need one to know her. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I wanted to survive—not for my kind, but for trust, for friendship, for another being. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“Shadows could be anywhere in blackness. (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“...the truth was more powerful than a lie could ever be (Eric)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“I don’t believe that," I said, and he raised his brow beneath his shaggy hair.
"I never asked you to.”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

“It’s going to be okay, Eric," Urte said, helping me sit up.
I shook my head. "Lying is my forte, Urte, not yours.” (Eric.)”
― Shannon A. Thompson, quote from Minutes Before Sunset

About the author

Shannon A. Thompson
Born place: in Allentown, PA, The United States
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