Quotes from Crash

Nicole Williams ·  215 pages

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“You can’t be friends with the person you were meant to spent your life with”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“I’ll be here, each day and every day on, as long as you want me to be”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“It’s not hard to recognise something special when life’s thrown a lotta shit your way”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“How does a guy like you promise someone forever at eighteen?”

“Easy,” he said, pressing a soft kiss into the corner of my mouth. “He finds a girl like you.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“You’ve got all my firsts,” he said. “All the ones that matter.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“It always amazes me how when we’re sure we’ve lost something for good, it winds up finding us.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“The name’s Jude Ryder, since I know you’re all but salivating like a rabid dog to know, and I don’t do girlfriends, relationships, flowers or regular phone calls. If that works for you, I think we could work out something special.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“The thing was, if staying away from him made me unsmart, I never wanted to be smart again.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“When you find someone you want to spend forever with you, you don't let them go, whether forever turns out to be a day or a year of fifty years. Don't let the fear of losing them keep you from loving them.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Honey, a girl can’t keep a man like that as a friend. He’s a lover or an ex-lover, but never a friend. Men like that weren’t created to be a woman’s friend – they were created to make a woman hit high C three times in row.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“This man was the pope, president, and god of dodging the topic. Too bad for him he was dealing with the queen, holy mother, and empress of seeing through a man’s stream of shit.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“If I ever mess things up again, whether it’s a misunderstanding, or shit luck, or I just do what I was created to do and screw everything up,” he paused, exhaling, “I want you to promise me you’ll leave. Drop me like a bad habit and don’t look back because god knows, it can’t be me that walks away since I’m incapable of it.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“It was silent, but a silent that was so loud I wanted to cover my ears.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“I’m cancer, Luce. And not the kind that you can kill off with radiation. The kind that kills you in the end.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Rain. Jude. Me. Kissing
Stick a fork in me because I was done.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Because I know I will never love anyone like I love you. That’s what will overcome the past every time it tries to rear its ugly head.” He stepped closer. “So it’s either you and me or me and me, Luce. And I don’t really like myself, so I hope you’ll pick the you and me option.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“And I’m sorry I ruined everything we had before I could admit it to you. Before I could admit it to myself. You didn’t make me a better person, because no one can do that. You made me want to be a better person.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“I’m his girlfriend?” It was meant to be a question to myself, but Taylor couldn’t let it go unanswered.
“You’re the first,” she said, looking at me like I was a puzzle. “You lucky bitch.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Our reputations weren’t who we really were, they were who people told us we were. Some of us fell into that trap, while others fought their entire lives to break free of them. Jude was no more the bad boy with a dead end future than I was the skanky slut everyone said I was.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“I don’t want a girl, or a woman, or a supermodel. I want you.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“My dad had once told me, crimson-red deep in “the talk,” that with sons, all he had to worry about was one penis, but with a daughter, he had to worry about everyone else’s.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Black absorbs all color, accepts them, takes them into it and let them define it. Gray isn't anything but itself. It absorbs nothing but itself.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Caring for someone is scary, because you both know how it feels to lose someone in the span of a heartbeat.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Jude," I said, biting my lip. "I just can't. I can't do this."
His expression darkened. "I know I don't deserve a second, or third, or whatever the hell this is chance, but you and I have something special, Luce, and you know it. Give me another chance, one more chance, and I'll walk a line so straight people will think I've been possessed." God I wanted to look away from those eyes, but I just couldn't. They were impossible to ignore. "One more chance. Not because I deserve it, but because we deserve one.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Still trying to save the world?”
“Always,” I said, “and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s working. The world is still here.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“You've got your arm on something of mine," Jude said, his eyes flashing when he looked at Sawyer.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“I’d found boys were fairly simple creatures to figure out, at least on a primal level—on a mind, heart, and soul matter they were about as confounding to me as thermal dynamics—and since primal was just a nice term for raging hormones, I decided to use their overabundance of teenage boy ones to my advantage.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“Is that one of your go to lines when a girl asks for something more than a twenty-four hour Jude furlough?"
Tapping the back of the wall with his heel, he looked down the hall. "No, that's what I answer when a girl I'm falling hard for, the only girl I've fallen hard for, wants to be in a relationship with someone like me.”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

“How about," he said, rendering me witless with the look in his eyes, "I'll be here, each day and every day on, as long as you want me to be?”
― Nicole Williams, quote from Crash

About the author

Nicole Williams
Born place: Spokane, WA, The United States
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